The Cosmological Principle is a scale that weighs incorrectly because unconnected processes changes both matter and Space
The Universe not is expanding into anything

The Cosmological Principle is a scale that weighs incorrectly because unconnected processes changes both matter and Space

As the Universe not is expanding into anything, does not require space to exist outside it(self). Technically, then neither space nor objects in space is actually "moving". It is instead the metric governing the size and geometry of spacetime itself that changes (in scale). As the spatial part of the universe's spacetime metric increases in scale, objects then move apart from one another at ever-increasing speeds, while Space remains the same as the Universe is not a place, but a series of unconnected processes.

Photons, however, play an essential role in the expansion of space. As the dark ages ceases with the release of the photons, the space lights up, nucleosynthesis binds leptons to protons and a large bubble of gamma radiation and light propagates into Space effectively as a large inhibitory shell in a condensed suprafluid aggregate state (formed by polarized fermions at low temperatures) causing an inwards momentum separating vacuum from Space.

Dark matter was initially suggested when astronomers took a closer look at the rotation of galaxies, as they rotated so fast - system wise - that the gravity of all the stars, planets and nebulae should not be able to hold them together. It was concluded that some kind of matter - directly unobservable is making this possible. This is also why it is called dark matter.

A Matter of Fact

Recent Hubble observations of Abell shows unanchored galaxies floating apart in Abell 520, suggesting that Dark Matter not is fixating the Cluster as models suggests. As Dark Matter is one of the holy grails of modern astronomy, observational deviations is also questioning the reality behind.

The imaginary dark matter has played the important role as the cement in the cosmic concrete - making theories about the Cosmic reality plausible. Dark matter - by theory - follows expected and strict behaviour patterns - but as we are happening to take a closer look, unexplicable deviations is showing up in our data set.

A main argument for the existence of dark matter is that though galaxies whirling through space at substantial speeds, sizzling and bubbling with hot clouds of dust and gas, the very speed of the fling and heat of galaxies should cause them to rip apart, but they don't. The explanation for this phenomena is that the gas and stars are held together is the the gravity of dark matter.

Normally when galaxy clusters is crashing, the galaxies is expected to tag along with the dark matter, in combined fixed motions. Observations in Abell 520 though show clouds of hot X-ray emitting intergalactic gas, ploughing into one another, losing momentum and slowing down, lagging behind the impact.

Studies of Abell 520 tells us that dark matter's behavior may not be so simple as expected. Using the original observations, astronomers found the system's core was rich in dark matter and hot gas, but contained no luminous galaxies, which normally would be seen in the same location as the dark matter.

This indicates that it is not the alleged dark matter that accounts for the observed gravity pattern, but something else.

By fitting a theoretical model of the composition of the universe to the combined set of cosmological observations, scientists today have come up with the composition 68% Dark Energy (DE), 27% Dark Matter (DM) and 5% normal matter.

Intensive observations for traces of DM is pursued. Mathematically on equations and experimentally as well as by observing structures in the Universe. Scientists have calculated that 80 percent of all the mass in the Universe consist of DM - only detectable on the basis of intense observations mapping total the light intensity and observable clusters of galaxies and objects with particularly large mass correlated with known authenticated light sources.

There are many problems associated with detecting what DM actually is. A very basic problem is to actually define what a particle really is. Especially because, before you can account for the distribution of matter in space, you must account for what it is you postulate is out there.

A widely used method is to use large accumulative datasets to demonstrate the structural form of the early universe, which is believed to say something about how the dark matter has clumped together since it was created (or how space has evolved from the central cells of original substance.)

It is cosmological logic: For stars to form, there must be areas in the Universe that are slightly denser than others, so that they contract under gravity, and because we assume that most of the Universe is DM, it follows that the majority of the lumps will also be lumps of DM.

It is therefore today a common scientific method to establish coherence between detect dark energy (DE), inflation and DM with different models implementing scalar fields. Higgs is such a field, with its sub-particle - without spin - characterized by the fact that when bound to other particles it gives mass and thus forms the basis for gravity.

The models attribute DM a fundamental role in the formation of the Universe, as it is the prerequisite for stars and planets and solar systems and galaxies to be formed after the Big Bang (BB).?Without dark matter, the universe would be a large diffuse gas of particle clumps, but without enough gravity to form stars and planets.

But with the great mappings of the Universe and the extensive data sets, more questions than answers arise. When it comes to mapping out the biggest things in the cosmos, observations undermine existing expectation about the universe.

The cosmological principle, which states that, at the largest scales, matter is more or less evenly distributed throughout space is today questioned by massive and gigantic Arc-like cosmic structures that span astronomical distances in the visible universe and connect Clusters and Walls.

Structures that more than suggest that space is becoming increasingly fragmented over time.

Cosmic filigree and web structures are evolutionary stationed so far back that the evidence indicate suggests by which flow the Universe has unfolded.

Given the scale in which these phenomena take place, any model that concludes on the elapsed time and its phenomena is a qualified guess.

It is certainly probable that observations in the extreme macro scale of these data suggest, possibly is indicating how the early Universe unfolded, and as assumed demonstrate clumping in a Cosmic bubble that has expanded sufficiently much faster already then, in extreme scale, condensing nucleosynthesis in cohesive systems, but within spatial fractures where clusters of matter exhibit dynamics - similar to tectonics - in the flow where the expansion of space apparently pulls the entire cosmic web further, while the integrated dynamics contract the individual structures.

Projecting data, to estimate the current Space, these dynamics suggest that Cosmos is becoming ever more fragmented and increasingly regionalized in structurally distinct parts.

The really difficult question is not how The Universe is expanding, but why it apparently is breaking up in Superclusters. We can detect that in “Space” everything has an origin and eventually becomes obsolete and disappears into other form(s).

Of course building an understanding on the speed of light - by design - the future is hidden, and because by this delay of information only the past is observable. This is not a natural thing, but a limitation from the model.

Observations from "Space" shows us that gravity is decreasing with the distance and most importantly that no forces works over astronomical distances.

That Cosmos is breaking up in superstructures with galaxies floating unbound within clusters - yet the super structures are drawn and encapsulated in "big clumps" independently but directional and systematically in a space expanding yet faster. The largest known structures are (Sloan Great Wall, Shapely, Horologium-Reticulum and Pisces Cetus).

The theory stands that these structures formed in our evolving Universe, transitioned from a comparatively smooth distribution of matter at the time of the big bang, from a loose network of dark matter filaments, gradually collapsing under the relentless pull of gravity, growing clumpier over time.

Looking at the critical path of matter distribution in a “universal” grid it indicates that both dark matter and normal matter are affected by an unknown force, thus becoming fundamental for the evolution of cosmos.

In any case dark matter - apart from the role in setting a primordial path and foundation for galactic evolution - is a dead end.

Fermions ability to temporarily bind to the Higgs Boson establishes a chained gravitational field which counteracts the expansion of Space.?

This fine structure results in autonomous grid-fixed gravitational amplification that extends across galaxies and clusters, and explains why Cosmos is fragmented as the fine structure breaks down due to lack of photons between super clusters and infrastructural giant Cosmic walls.

Fermion candidates to explain “DM” by being present in relic abundance's through out the intergalactic medium and - being left out from recent stellar forming processes, it can be suggested by other discrete properties to interact with mass from recent nucleosynthesis.

Gravity contribute to establish a physical shield of ions and positrons that shred any star-forming materiel before traversing galactic borders, this is also why gravitational lenses reflect mass (since more stellar activity and more photons increases the proces).

Because of the weak binding to the scalar field it will maintain an accumulating cloud of hot and still more dense enriched fog of hydrogen and heavy elements from quasars and other relic objects.

Fundamentally this is dark cybernetic features - a structural imperative hidden in the proces - Dark Matter is an implication of just that.

I suggest a weak gravitionally pull by interaction with the Higgs boson and link to the scalar field is keeping large scale structures off expansion by "grid" fixation and amplifying the gravitationally pull by the spin of photons.

Fermion candidates by being present in relic abundance's through out the intergalactic medium and - being left out from recent stellar forming processes, it can be suggested by other discrete properties to interact with mass from recent nucleosynthesis.

Obviously dark matter must be something else than we are expecting - since it's not identified yet - and fermion is indeed a candidate - and because Dark matter isn't identified, it will have to work in an unknown manner.

Is it possible that the gravitational effect is a secondary to interaction with photons by the spin of the moving particle causing a weak gravitationally pull differential to the next fermion - like a polarised local gravity field binding to the Higgs Boson - independent to the photon (since it is mass less) and by that way amplify gravity by magnitude outside the detectable EM field??

The field dependant binding will link the fermion particle to the Higgs scalar field, explaining the "unwillingness" to cluster, yet by the abundance able to cause a strong gravitationally effect.

This interaction will also be able to accumulate weak?gravitational particles in the necessary quanta in a scale large enough to candidate fermion as DM.

This will also explain why DM cloud around galaxies tend not to get dynamically disordered during merges of galaxies, and because of the strong binding/weak gravity in the Higgs field, it explains why regions with high mass density (and stellar production) does not expand. (Being strapped to the scalar field).

I suggest a weak gravitionally pull by interaction with the Higgs boson and link to the scalar field is keeping large scale structures off expansion by "grid" fixation and amplifying the gravitationally pull by the spin of photons.?

This is how it works:

It works by the manner of a many-body-state linear connected quantum harmonic oscillation - by the speed of light (of passing photons) - that is exciting zero-energy, pushing it to the next energy level, thereby forcing fermions to impose bosons bounding to the scalar field - and by the power of the immediate second quantisation - out-even the effect from zero-energy for a blink of an instant - and produce a secondary gravitational oscillating pull counter-working the inbound vacuum energy and effectively blocking the expansion, and at the same time pulling particles opposite also suspending, not expanding the scalar field.

Fermions is like sub-particles with DAMP, they pop up everywhere something happens at high speed, radar, antennas, lasers, around galaxies and between clusters astronomically number and interact with practically any other particles

It is its own antiparticle and interact indirectly with high speed photons through the Higgs binding - just like when you are being passed by a fast truck riding a bike

This constant gravity pull - practically everywhere a star is shining - is what they cant figure out to be - not "dark matter", but virtual grid fixation and indirect pull gravity driven by photon energy...

At the same time it will contribute to establish a physical shield of ions and positrons that will shred any star-forming materiel before traversing the galactic borders by the force of many, this is also why gravitational lenses reflect mass (since more stellar activity and more photons increases the proces).

Because of the weak binding to the scalar field it will maintain an accumulating cloud of hot and still more dense enriched fog of hydrogen and heavy elements from quasars and other relic objects.

Fundamentally it is rather a "dark cybernetic feature" like a structural imperative hidden in the proces - "dark matter" is an implication of just that. The mistake is that everyone is looking for a particle - when it is an unknown fine structure causing the phenomenon.

This will also explain why photons can't escape dark holes, hence this works like a cybernetic "gravity amplifier" and out evens the full kinetic energy from by interaction with vacuum-energy, and the principle of uncertainty (photons can't do both at the same time).

Thus considering the inner scalar field - black hole side - a closed system with own finite scale, it would take a single photon the combined kinetic energy as momentum to out even the gravitational pull - it finally will deplete in the proces

This also instigates that every time a negative electric charge is created, an equal amount of positive electric charge must be created at the same time so that the total charge of a system does not change. A fundamental example of this is the phenomenon of pair production, a gamma ray (a high-energy form of light) transforms into a regular matter particle and an antimatter particle that is the counterpart of the regular matter particle. Since an antimatter particle always has the opposite electric charge of its regular matter counterpart, the total charge of the two particles is zero. Therefore, pair production does not change the total electric charge of a system and is thus allowed by the law of conservation of charge. E.g., a gamma ray can transform into an electron and an anti-electron (i.e. a positron). The electron has an electric charge of -1 and the positron has an electron charge of +1. The total charge added to the system by the creation of the electron and the positron is: +1-1 = 0. Every time an electron is created from a gamma ray, a positron must also be created. In this way, electric charge can be created and destroyed while the total charge of a system can stay constant.


It makes sense from an observational standpoint: The electromagnetic force precisely has just as long a range as the force of gravity and is much stronger than gravity. The reason that the electromagnetic force then does not play much of a role on the astronomical scale is because stars and planets have a total electric charge of zero. Boom. If the earth and sun both had a tendency to achieve larger positive electric charges, then the electromagnetic repulsion between them would be far stronger than the gravitational attraction between them. Should that be the case, the earth would not orbit around the sun but would actually be squeezed out of the solar system. The fact that moons form stable orbits around planets, planets form stable orbits around stars, and stars form stable orbits around galactic centers is direct observational evidence that moons, planets, and stars all have a total electric charge of zero. Since moons, planets, and stars are the things that make up the universe, it is only logical to further deduce that the universe therefore also has a total electric charge of zero.


So, does the conservation and accumulation of charges have anything to do with the overall charge of the universe? The answer is based on the theory of entropy. According to modern science, the universe began out of nothing in what scientists call the Big Bang. Logically, since the universe started as nothing, it started with zero electric charge. Therefore, the law of conservation of charge tells us that the universe must still have a total electric charge of zero. The emergence of systematic universal components in the early cosmic scenario and the trend towards greater cosmic organization of derived processes - particulate nebulae aggregation and the condensation of accumulative energy, forms the foundation for syntheses where the refining energy to a greater extent can propulse the conversion between matter and energy into a higher gear, supporting the emergence of deep gravitational zones where the necessary physics for double - and tripple - twisted core structures and multidimensional spin can increase the cohesive force between subelements in the atomic nuclei, thus preparing the foundation to increase formation of nuclear matter.


As we thus consider these molecular vortices to be diminutive electric current circulations, mutually aligned along their rotation axes forming magnetic lines of force, magnetic repulsion can then be explained in terms of centrifugal pressure acting sideways in a serial current from these field lines. And if these molecular vortices should take the more precise dipolar form of an electron and a positron in mutual orbit, we can then further explain magnetic attraction, this time in terms of the more fundamental electrostatic force being channeled along the double helix of electrons and positrons that forms a magnetic line of force, enacting the magnetic field.


As electromagnetic processes are coupled and carried by physics universally and across both fields and vaccums, we categorize them within the energy spectrum - or energy level that limits the process. Processes that proceed more slowly than the expansion of the universe will over time fall into significance and ultimately stand as undetectable as an archaic cosmic reminiscence. Electromagnetism is in all its simplicity directional storage and release of energy that coupled to a subparticle acts a bit like a subatomic spring squeezed into a suitable web relative to the subatomic reality and is a basic premise for all electromagnetic phenomena. We can then explain electric current as a directional valent transport of energy in a conductive medium - the energy jumps from one inner double vortex helix - a bit like a smoke ring is forced into a rolling donut shape by the physical conditions, the sub particle bridge energy both inward and transverse between several resting zones across particles without hocus pocus - only physical conditions transform the energy from leptons through the helix maelstrom and in spin through the atomic nucleus to a directional charge.



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