The cosmic mightiest fiery 12:12 PORTAL OPENING from Sirius, the Great Central Sun HQ of God's Light

The cosmic mightiest fiery 12:12 PORTAL OPENING from Sirius, the Great Central Sun HQ of God's Light

The 12:12 PORTAL opens from the Great Central Sun (planet Sirius) unto our planet. Most of us have links with the GCS Sirius in some form or another. Furthermore, Sirius (as explained in my eBook : “The Voice of Silence” ( is the Higher Presence of our planet. And so, the opening of this Portal from Sirius is as important to us as the 8:8 LionsGate Portal from Sirius, each year. Next year of 2019 is the mighty universal year of 12:12:12. The Triple number Geometry Gematria year of Divine Consciousness! Even more important than this year, being the Triple 11 Sacred Geometry Gematria of Ascension and Completion. This year of 11 precedes the process of 12:12:12 wherein you shall then qualify for post-graduation into the Divine!

When the 12:12 Portal opens, it brings back memory of the connect we hold with our original heritage. This Portal opens access to the 12th Dimension. This is the dimensional consciousness of the “ZERO-POINT ENERGY of GOD”! The Great Void. The nothing, the nagual, the zero, the shuniya, the OM, the emptiness and the everything. The Source! The silence. The stillness. The steadfastness. The Creative Energy of God. From here all was created and is created. However, therefore, it is important for you to be empty, to be zero, to be nothing in order to create everything from whence. You don’t create when you sit consciously in this Void. In the Void you do nothing and remain in nothing. However, when you return to life you blindfoldedly, unconsciously, create everything as you are carrying the energy of Zero-Point within you. You lie empty in the Zero-Point Void so you can be filled, and then employ the Void Energy. A point to remember is – this Zero-point Energy is all around you, at all times, so train yourself consciously to be in it. You can say aloud – I AM in the Zero-Point Energy vibration floating around me. I Am the Zero-Point Energy Vibration at all times.. I now engage this Void Energy in everything I do, think, and feel…always! In this way you become conscious of it and consciously use it to live life on earth and in human form.  

Sitting in the Zero-Point Void is being in the quality of transmutation. Herein; where you are quintessentially empty; you are in actuality highly trans-mutating. Why? Because, in order to become the embodiment of the Void you need to transform. Major transfiguration takes place when you are suspended in the Void. Therein lies the dichotomy of being empty and yet being full, being nothing yet being everything, being complete. This signifies and explains the energy of transformation. Hugely alchemical, symbolic, geometrical, holographic.

Zep-Tepi Alchemy is the pure magical understanding of the Zero-Point Shuniya (Sanskrit term for zero) Energy of God’s Creation – the Blue Ray 1 Light. Thoth and Seshat, the god’s of ancient Khem (Egypt) taught in their Ancient Mystery Schools of Wisdom the Alchemy of Zep-Tepi (as they called it) where matter and antimatter merge to create new realities. It is the place where positive and negative collide to destroy matter and recreate again. The Photon Energy Particle Collider. A place of awakening and a place of forgetfulness. It is the beginning and the end of all and everything. An Alpha and Omega. The Black Hole with the White Hole in it. The Photon Belt; into which our entire Solar System has been suspended since Dec 21st, 2012; is the quantum mechanical system of the ZeroPoint Void. The Photon Energy is a combustion of both Ray 1 and Ray 7. The Destruction and the Transmutation into a New Creation.

Ray 1 and Ray 7 are associated with Shuniya – Zero – Om – the Void! One transforms the other’s destruction into a New Wholeness again!


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