Cosmic Deep Dive to Unlock Your Magic
The Edge Network: A Community for Higher Consciousness
Media platform curiously exploring multiple modalities of wellness on a physical, emotional, & spiritual level
Personal Planet Retrogrades: November 25, 2024 – April 12, 2025
The end of November kicks off a window for growth that requires you to dive deeply into introspection for realignment. The personal planets of Mercury, Venus and Mars station in retrograde one after the other for a 6-month period that test your patience and drive you crazy.
These celestial events from November 25, 2024 to April 12, 2025 line up beginning and ending with Mercury and his trickster ways to make you lose your mind, upending your communications, travel and technology. Then, Mars stirs your power into knots, making you question how to lead your life and business. Next, Venus turns all connections back to you, making you see yourself intimately for 6 entire weeks. The mirror of you reflecting back to you is hard to handle, especially after the relentless energy of the prior 3 months. Finally, Mercury adds his antics right on top of Venus’ to sow doubt and confusion on how you connect with people. Let’s break each retrograde period down to give you insight into how to best deal with each one. If you’d rather listen than read, check out the related podcast episode here.
The Uncharted Territory of the New Era
These personal retrogrades hit you more than usual, not only due to their stacking on top of each other, but because the cosmos are creating an opposing force during this same time that drives the collective into fiery energies making the world seem untethered. Understanding each of the retrograde more thoroughly helps you handle the uncertainty of everything New Era.
Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius
Mercury’s first retrograde began on November 25 to continue until December 15, 2024. During Mercury retrogrades, communication is strained, and this time is no different. The retrograde in Sagittarius encourages introspection. It challenges you to look inward at your most rigid views and approach them differently. The more you challenge yourself to develop an open mind, the easier it is to navigate this time and create space for future accomplishments.
Mars Retrograde in Leo & Cancer
Mars, the warrior planet, projects strength and inner leadership. When he retrogrades on December 7, 2024, your outward leadership traits turn inward, creating a volcanic energy underneath the surface. Mars is a fiery energy and Leo signals courage. These two elements cause you to test your resilience in order to become more self-assertive. Harnessing the muted aggression of Mars retrograde in early December helps you reflect on how to stand up for yourself, and look for ways to empower yourself for more growth. When Mars retrogrades in the sign of Cancer from January 3 to February 23, your energy moves from tasking your leadership skills to challenging your family ones.
For more information about how Mars affects you, read the related article here.
Venus Retrograde in Aries & Pisces
Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and wealth. She begins her retrograde position on March 1 lasting until April 12, 2025. When Venus goes retrograde, she turns your ability to connect with others inside out, until you realize that are valuable regardless of what others think or feel about you. This is tough love at its finest. Venus typically helps you attract, engage and discern who you should develop relationships with in life and business. When she retrogrades, she removes all support and grace from any bonding activity. Ugh. You feel isolated and insecure without any relief for 6 long weeks. The only recourse is to cozy up to yourself, making effort for self-care and diving deeply into the magic of you.
Mercury Retrograde in Aries & Pisces
Mercury returns to churn up confusion, insecurity and chaos. In Aries, the volcanic submersion due to Mars retrograde gets stirred to the surface. You want to blow up at everyone around you. This pent up energy threatens your personal relationships and business connections. Instead of lashing out with impatience and aggression, create ways to lead yourself and others with alacrity and foresight.
Each of these personal planet retrogrades offers you an inward journey, asking you to reassess your communication, self-worth and leadership traits. Understanding the right strategies that align your endeavors with the planets strengthens your opportunity for growth.
Magical Toolkit
The Harvest oracle card signals your ability to receive gifts from the universe when you clear your mind (Mercury), open your heart (Venus) and activate your will (Mars). This realignment also helps you live your soul mission, which is a requisite to navigate successfully in this uncharted territory of the New Era.
The Smithsonite crystal, known for its properties of spiritual growth, emotional calm, and forgiveness, serves as a valuable ally during the intense introspection of retrogrades, promoting a serene and balanced emotional state.
Daily Practices
To optimize this period’s benefits, daily self-reflection and gratitude practices help you smoothly transition from one retrograde to another. Cultivating hope and gratitude will help you anchor yourself amidst these dynamic changes, providing a stable foundation for continued personal growth.
One of the biggest ways you can achieve self-growth is by knowing your Intuitive Success Signature, an energetic way that describes how you enter the world. Do you enter through your mind, your heart or your will? Answer the twelve-question quiz and get your result right here.
Wise Strategist
Use your logic and reason to understand the retrograde energies. Combine this with keen intuition to create strategies that are grounded in improving yourself and your business. You’ll be shocked at how much this will improve your life.
Intuitive Visionary
Tap into your creative foresight. Your mind begins spinning at this time. Drive paradigm-shifting inward change that creates lasting impact. Develop communication and leadership tools that will last for the rest of your life.
Collaborative Explorer
Utilize balanced judgment to decide what works for you and what doesn’t. Find a partner or friend and pick one thing you’ll work on together for each of these retrogrades. Collective action, big or small, has a major impact.
Ruling Warrior
You’re a natural leader. Look within and command yourself to engage your inner strengths. Refine your leadership strategies and create holistic growth that is challenging but realistic.
Creative Superstar
As you’re reading this article, you might already have an idea of one or two things you want to prioritize about these periods of self-growth. Before you start, create an environment that makes it easier for you to succeed.
Loving Alchemist
Use this time to enhance your influence. Find strength in the ways that you communicate with yourself for leadership and self-love. Personal empowerment is something you do all the time, and these retrograde energies offer an abundant time to heighten it.
Bottom Line
This 6-month period can either push you beyond your capabilities or be used to galvanize your energy for leadership, communication and self-worth. Owning the value of you before the massive wakeup call on March 30th is a gift, one that doesn’t feel fun or easy. Yet, navigating these difficult retrogrades is the best course of action to ensure you maximize opportunities in 2025.
Listen to her new podcast, Your Star Path to Success, on your favorite channel or join the 22K+ others who’ve taken her 12-question Star Map Signature quiz to see how you’re living your soul mission.
Kim Woods, Business Strategist & Master Astrologer, combines astrology, ancient feminine wisdom and her 25+ years of C-Suite experience to help you become rich and powerful, make big impact and leave your legacy. As JP Morgan says, “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” Kim uses the stars + strategy to clear your success pathway so you’re free to live your soul mission. Listen to her new podcast, "Your Star Path to Success", on your favorite channel or join the 22K+ others who’ve taken her Star Map Signature quiz to see how you’re living your soul mission.