The Cosmic Corner
The Authors' Porch
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The Cosmic Corner is a column written by Rev. Joanne Angel Barry Colon
Do you have a favorite month?
I do!
Mine is October because the leaves change to so many beautiful colors, the temperature is perfect where I live, and my mom’s birthday is on October 24th.
My mother is now one of my spirit guides and one of her favorite holidays was Halloween. I have become very fond of Halloween since she’s helped me activate the “witch” within me. It’s a day of rituals, magic, readings, and healing.
Trick or Treat! As we move into October, there is so much cosmic energy flowing backward, as there are now seven planets in retrograde.
· Pluto (endings/new beginnings) Capricorn (opposition sign Cancer) April 27 – October 6, 2021
· Saturn (structure/determination) Aquarius (opposition sign Leo)
May 23 – October 10, 2021
· Neptune (illusion/spirituality) Pisces (opposition sign Virgo)
June 25 – December 1, 2021
· Jupiter (expansion/gifts)
Pisces (opposition sign Virgo)
June 20 – July 28, 20201
· Jupiter (expansion/gifts)
Aquarius (opposition sign Leo)
July 28 – October 18, 2021
· Chiron (wounded healer) Aries (opposition sign Libra)
July 15 – December 19, 2021
· Uranus (awakener)
Taurus (opposition sign Scorpio) August 19 – January 18, 2022
· Mercury (communication/technology)
Libra (opposition sign Aries) September 27 – October 18, 2021
With the help of the seven planets in retrograde, we will all experience a Spiritual Awakening, whether we’re conscious of it or not.
Now, let’s take a look at Numerology. October is the 10th month of the year. The number 10 carries the meaning of vibration and frequency of new beginnings, leadership, independence, new opportunities, choices, and potential.
According to Numerology, October 2021 (1+0+2+0+2+1=6), is a 6 Universal Month. The number 6 holds a vibration and frequency to heal, healer, nurturer, karmic lessons, and caretaker.
In Numerology, each calendar year is reduced to a single-digit number, which carries a unique vibration and is called Universal Year Number.
Everyone feels this unique vibration, whether consciously or unconsciously, throughout the entire year beginning in January and ending in December.
To get the current Universal Year Number, just calculate all the numbers until you arrive at a single-digit number. The only number that does not get added to a single digit is the number 11, which is known as a Master Number.
To get the Universal Year Number, add up all the numbers of the current year 2021 (2+0+2+1= 5). The Universal Year Number for 2021 is 5. What does the 5 Universal Year mean? The 5 Universal Year holds the frequency and vibration of change, freedom, adventure, fun, courage, and unpredictability.
Now, let’s bring this all together. During the month of August with the Lions Gate Activation, everyone will experience – conscious of it or not – the desire to build a new foundation, create harmony and balance as they achieve karmic lessons while exploring freedom, having fun, and being open for some unpredictability.
Everyone experiences a Personal Energy Year Number, this number represents the theme for the current year and what you may experience, learn, and heal about themselves.
This number changes every year, just like the Universal Year Number. To find your Personal Energy Year Number, calculate the month you’re born and the date you’re born on and add to the current year.
For example, on October 24, 2021: 1+0+2+4+2+0+2+1= 12 (1+2=3), the number three carries the vibration and frequency of communication, teach, learn, listen, express, truth and creativity.
Below are the meanings to the numbers from 1 to 9, 11 and 22
1 - New Beginnings, New Opportunities, New Possibilities, Independence, Leadership
2 - Partnerships, Relationships, Contracts, Marriage
3 - Communication, Creator, Teacher, Student, Listen, Truth, Creativity
4 - Building New Foundations, Balance, Stability, Hard Worker
5 - Change, Freedom, Unpredictability
6 - Healing, Healer, Caretaker, Family, Harmony, Home
7 - Seeker, Spiritual Awakening, Going Within, Meditation, Quiet Time, Evolving
8 - Abundance, Harmony, Balance, Infinity
9 - Completion, Let Go, Declutter, Transformation
11 – Master Teacher and Healer of Relationships
22 – Master Builder – Create, Build and Take Action
For me, I believe when you combine Astrology and Numerology together and apply both into your daily plan, you live your best life.
This Libra season has seven planets in retrograde, you’re not only living your best life, but you’re also becoming the best version of yourself.
Will October give you a Trick or Treat?
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