Corundum for sand blasting and rust removal
Brown corundum is made of bauxite and coke (anthracite) as the main raw materials, which is smelted in the electric arc furnace at high temperature. The abrasives made of brown corundum are suitable for grinding metals with high tensile strength, such as all kinds of general-purpose steel, malleable cast iron, hard bronze, etc. It can also be used to make high-grade refractory materials.
Brown corundum is characterized by high purity, dense texture, high pile density, strong self-sharpening, good toughness, low coefficient of linear expansion, low magnetic content and corrosion resistance. The abrasives made from it have sharp grinding, low heating rate, high grinding ratio, and less adhesion when used.
Product Features.
Due to high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high strength and other properties, it is used for pouring steel sliding spout, smelting rare metals, special alloys, ceramics, ironmaking blast furnace lining (wall and tube), physical and chemical ware, spark plugs, heat-resistant antioxidant coating.
Due to the characteristics of hardness, wear resistance and high strength. In the chemical system, it is used for all kinds of reaction vessels and pipes, components of chemical pumps; for mechanical parts, all kinds of molds, such as drawing dies, squeeze pencil core die nozzles, etc.; for cutting tools, mold abrasives, bulletproof materials, human joints, sealing die rings, etc.
More information, contact Us!
Annie Tian
Zibo Bingyang Abrasives