Cortana can't be wrong
So come check out the future at https://WWW.GAwDS.COM and https://DRaaS.GAwDS.COM. Even if you are still stuck in the past let us show you the path to the future just like Cortana did for Master Chief in Halo and how she continues to do on your Windows Devices. No worries, we work with Siri too but have you ever actually seen Siri and is she as stunning as Cortana? I think she just exists in the cloud as a robotic type entity or simply a microphone image.
We exist and accelerate all cloud solutions at GAwDS.COM on all of your favorite platforms. We work with your technology choices and can show you hybrid cloud scenarios involving whichever cloud providers you choose. We want to help you by being a trusted advisor with over 20 years of experience in Information Technology. Come check us out today!