Corrosive Substance Attack - Awareness Training
Together with our partners, the London Fire Brigade, we recently ran a number of sessions to provide awareness training around an increasing and life-changing issue of Corrosive Substance Attacks, a new subject for our audience. Over 200 people attended three sessions held on 27th January, which the City Security Council offered to all City companies. Attendees ranged from Security Officers, front of house reception, cleaning personnel, local authority staff and City of London Police, a truly wide audience.
There is an increasing incidence of this type of crime, which many of us are unfamiliar with. The impact on an individual is significant and life changing and unfortunately, this type of incident is no longer restricted to gang and domestic violence attacks. Although the risk in the City is low and unlikely to occur within a business environment, we cannot discount the potential for someone presenting themselves to one of our buildings having been subjected to such an attack. Therefore, ensuring that our staff are prepared and able to offer the best support to someone who has been subject to such an attack, whilst at the same time keeping themselves and their colleagues safe, is critical.
A massive thank you to the London Fire Brigade for providing knowledgeable trainers led by John Carpenter, whose presentation covered the increase in incidents of corrosive substance attack, through to the types of chemicals being used and how to deal effectively with someone who has been attacked.
Also, thanks to Willis Towers Watson for allowing us to use their brilliant auditorium, CIS, Ward Security and Mitie for providing staff to support the event. A truly collaborative approach in the City. Special thanks to Lorraine Mansfield and Nigel Quantrell for putting the day together.
The training presentation slides can be found at
Security personnel and other staff may be the first responders to an incident where someone has been exposed to a hazardous substance. The REMOVE advice is closely aligned to guidance for the emergency services and provides simple, consistent advice on early actions following:
· Suspected deliberate or accidental exposure to a hazardous substance (vapour, powder or liquid) or
· An ‘acid attack’
All businesses are encouraged to use the Remove, Remove, Remove poster and all sites should have an Acid Attack kit which comprises of:
- Nitrile gloves (provides protection from oils, greases, petroleum products and some acids and caustics). Slightly more specialised than those used for first aid.
- Bottle shower. Used with a 2-litre water bottle for immediate rinsing. With a bottle shower a 2-litre bottle yields a 2 min 24 second shower. It will provide a steady and controlled water flow potentially avoiding corrosive substances to spread uncontrolled.
- Protective eye wear
- Scissors for removing clothing.
- Two 2 Litre water bottles.
The protocol is endorsed by Public Health England, as well as all three emergency services. There are a number of companies that can provide the Acid Attack kits, which can retail for around £70.
For more information please visit )
The City Security Council will be providing further sessions in March 2020 for those interested in attending.