The Correlation between High Performance and Central Nervous System Regulation.
When I take on a new coaching Client it is important to get to know them on a deeper level, to understand all the elements of their life that contribute to the human that has felt compelled to go on a journey with me.
One of the questions I ask is how you nourish your mind, body and soul - what if any practices do you currently employ to keep yourself in check and optimal.
I tend to find that due to fact that most people considering a coach in the first place have a general level of self awareness, so usually we have a pretty solid base to start from.
However I find this process is ongoing, about continual improvement, tweaking things until you find what works.
This article, digs in a little more and helps us understand why these things are important, not just something we think we SHOULD DO.
Again this content is inspired by my man Logan Gelbrich and his Leadership Labs Group I am part of, please DM me of you want to know more.
Deep within your brainstem lies an operating system that is fundamental to your existence—a system whose purpose is singular:
This system, known as the Central Nervous System (CNS), predates the more sophisticated regions of your brain, remaining steadfast in its function.
The CNS is not merely a bystander; it is the protagonist of your emotional landscape and the driving force behind your actions and cognitions. Understanding this foundational system is paramount in any journey of self-discovery, this where KNOW THEY SELF, gets deep!
Visualise your CNS as a ladder divided into three sections, each comprising ten rungs:
Your current state can be likened to a specific rung on this ladder. Imagine the empowerment of knowing your position and possessing the ability to ascend.
Ventral state signifies abundance, safety, and creativity—an environment conducive to joy and uninhibited expression.
Sympathetic state reflects a heightened state of arousal, typified by the "fight or flight" response, triggered in the face of perceived threats.
Dorsal state embodies apathy and disconnection, akin to a numbing of the senses as a protective mechanism against extreme distress.
With this framework in mind, introspection leads to two pivotal inquiries:
This understanding of the CNS ladder lays the groundwork for heightened self-awareness, an aspect I refer to as CNS Hygiene.
Mastery of CNS Hygiene involves recognising and addressing the needs of your system, facilitating a sustained ascent towards a state of equilibrium and fulfilment.
What is your self-care regime, how do you act when you feel the effects of stress enter your body.
From personal experience and those of my Clients I find there is a direct collaboration between performance and CNS hygiene optimisation.
I tend to find self-care regimes include some or all of these elements: meditation, exercise, community and connection, gratitude, journalling / reflection, breath-work, cold exposure, body work, solitude).
Part of the work I do with my Clients is encourage them to develop their own CNS habits and self-care regime.
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