The above verse 2:20 of Surah Al Baqarah of chapter 2 of the Quran starts with the word "???????" (yakadu) which is falsely derived from a fake root word "???" (kod) and translated to mean ‘almost’, ‘nearly’, ‘all but’, ‘as if it was going to’, ‘it seems’, ‘well night’, ‘dark night’, ‘terrifies’, and so many other fabricated meanings. If you look at the Arabic word "???????" in the dictionaries you will find many derivatives of its proto root "? ? ?" (Hamza – Kaf - Dal) to mean exhaust, tired, struggle, exert, scratching, scraping, stress, intensely, assiduous, strong, hard, ridged, firm, justify, uphold, defend, standby and highlight, such as the verb "??" (kad) and its active participle "???" (kaád) are given to mean something difficult, troubled, distressed, sorrowful, sad, inconvenience, constrained, struggled and troublesome. Whereas, "?????" (kaadaá) is given to mean difficulty, sorrow and grief which is a synonym of "???" and "???" that is actually a caution of fear and terror. The reason why do we find in the dictionaries the above stated meanings of different derivatives of "? ??" (ákad) because the Arabic verb "??" (kad) is a synonym of "??????????" (ijhad) which is used to mean struggle or work hard to do something, tire out, become exhaust, to try very hard, to do something hard, walk with difficulty, slavery, drudge, labour or toil and apply oneself assiduously with perseverance. Therefore, if "??" (kad) is a synonym of "?????????? (ijtahad) , its active participle "???" (kaad) is a synonym of "??????" (ijtahaad) which is physical or mental expended in a particular activity that is also a term of religion of Islam referring to independent reasoning or the thorough exertion of mental faculty of clergy in finding solutions to matters and setup the rules in the light of the religion. In other words "??????" (ijtahaad) is a hard work, combined struggle, joint effort, affirmation, confirmation, proved dogma, compulsory faith and necessary belief, or rules of religion set by likeminded leaders of religion or clergy. Hence, the word "???????" (yakadu) of the verse 2:20 actually refers to manmade religious belief, affirmation, faith or dogma approved or set by the leaders of religion or an affirmation, faith or dogma given, confirmed and urged by the clergy. It must be noted that rules of belief, faith, dogma or affirmation made in "??????" (ijtahaad) of the leaders of religion or the council of religion are not Divine Rules or they are not from God but purely manmade, which could be hard, troublesome, stressful and distressing to others who do not follow that particular religion or someway they may be hard for them too who follow the same religion.
Likewise, the Arabic word "???" (ákad) is a synonym of "????????" (áthbat) to mean ‘affirm’, ‘assert’, ‘confirm, accept, prove, uphold or to give support to a warrant (????), declaration, statement, theory, belief’, ‘corroborate’, ’state something as the truth or assert something or make a solemn declaration in court’, ‘to make or become or support a firm, ridged, adamant, hard or strong belief, dogma or affirmation’ or ‘append an affidavit to pleadings’. Hence, the word "???????" (yakadu) of the verse 2:20 correctly means something concerning to a rigid affirmation, adamant belief, pleading faith or something firmly or stressfully dogmatic. It is also notable that the word "???????" of the verse 2:20 is actually coming in the extended continuity of the phrase "?????????" (Aazaani him) of the preceding verse 2:19, i.e. their declaration according to their belief, their assertion and what they have assembled, got together and publicized that was also mentioned in the verse 2:18 with the word "??????" (umyun) which was made "???" (aam), i.e. assembled, put together and made viral in public that is obviously their ridged belief (2:20???????), their adamant dogma (2:20???????), their hard affirmation (2:20???????), their stubborn assertion (2:20???????) and their pleading faith (2:20???????) as mentioned in the verse 2:20 with the word "???????" (yakadu). That is called ‘their deceiving vision’ in the verse 2:7 with the phrase "????????????? ?????????" (absarihim ghishawatun), and ‘their intended ignorance’ in the phrase "????? ??????" (summon bukmun) of verse 2:18.
Hence, the opening word "???????" (yakadu) of verse 2:20 is fully consistent with the statements of preceding verses of Surah Al Baqarah but our scholars concealed the meaning of Quranic word "???????" (yakadu) to hide the actual message of the Quran. Therefore, they added a false root word "???" (kod) in their so called Quranic dictionaries to derive the false meaning of Quranic word "???????" and so many other similar words coming in other verses of the Quran. Whereas, the word "???" (kod) is not recognized in Arabic language, never used in classical or standard Arabic and not even found in Arabic dictionaries or translators except the false dictionaries of the Quran.
This is the reason why translators and scholars of the Quran translate the word "???????" (yakadu) of verse 2:20 to so many different meaning. Majority of scholars and translators take the same Quranic word "???????" (yakadu) to mean ‘almost’, ‘nearly’, ‘all but’, ‘as if it was going to’ and ‘it seems’ etc. However, Arberry and Asad do not follow the majority and translate "???????" (yakadu) to mean "well light", Parwez took "???????" (yakadu) to mean "dark night of desert" and Malik also differs with other translators in the translation of the same word "???????" (yakadu) which he translates to mean "terrifies".
Seeing the translations of verse 2:20 a big question arises that if all translators and scholars knew Arabic language why did they differ from each other in translating the word "???????" (yakadu) in the same verse of the Quran? It seems that they took the word "???????" (yakadu) from different root words and none of them was correct, which has made their translations doubtful, incorrect, inconsistent and confusing.
Arabic word "?????" (takeed) is correctly taken to mean emphasis, urge and affirm that is derived from the same root of Quranic word "???????" (yakadu) and popular word "????" (moakkad) is also correctly taken to mean affirmation, confirmed, urged, compulsion or mandate that is also derived of the same root word of the Quranic word "???????" (yakadu). Our scholars derive the word "?????" (moakkadah) from the correct root word to use the term of religion called Sunnah Moakkadah or Sunnat al moakkadah and take "?????" (moakkadah) to mean mandatory, affirmed, confirmed, urged and assured or bound by asserted oath but when they come to the Quran they falsely translate the Quranic words "???????" (yakaadu) in verses 2:20, 14:17, 24:35, 24:43, 43:52, 68:51, "??????????" (yakaaduna) in verses 4:78, 18:93, 22:72, "???????" (kaadou) in verses 2:71, 7:150, 17:73, 72:19, "?????" (kaad) in verses 9:117, 25:42, "??????" (kdt) in verses 17:74, 37:56, "???????" (kaadat) in verse 28:10, "???????" (takaadu) in verses 19:90, 42:5, 67:8, "???????" (akaadu) in verses 20:15, and derive the above Quranic words from a false root word "???" (kod) to hide and sabotage the actual message of the Quran.
They call "??? ?????" (Summat Moakkadah) to the animal sacrifice (qurbani) and take it to mean a mandatory Sunnah but when they come to the Quran they falsely translate the Quranic word "???????" (yakad) to mean ‘almost’, ‘nearly’, ‘all but’, ‘as if it was going to’, ‘it seems’, ‘well light’, ‘dark night of desert’ and ‘terrifies’!
They totally ignore that the word "?????" (Moakkadah) of their "??? ?????" (Summat Moakkadah) is a derived noun of the same root word of Quranic word "???????" (yakad). Why don’t they take their animal bloodshed and brutal killing of animals to mean ‘almost’, ‘nearly’, ‘all but’, ‘as if it was going to’, ‘it seems’, ‘well light’, ‘dark night of desert’ and ‘terrifies’ act as they translate the Quranic "???????" (yakad)???
The next word "?????????" is a definite noun to mean the blazing spark, the sparking light, the glistening or sparking sword and the fire spewing weapon. For more details please read my article on the verse 2:19.
The word "????????" (yakhtafu) is a present verb derived of the root word "???" (KhTF) to mean takeaway or seize. Whereas, "?????????????" (absaaru hum) means their vision and " ????????" (kullama) means ‘whatever’. The next word "???????" (adhá) is a verbal noun means ‘enlightening’ or ‘enlightenment’, "?????" (la hum) means ‘for them’ and "?????????" (mashaou) is a combination of third person plural subject pronoun "????" (ou) and "?????" (masha) is a verb to mean purged, get away, removed, moved away, dismissed, eliminated, eradicated, dismissed, expelled, liquidated, ousted, to forced out, get rid of. According to Sihah and Qamoos "?????" (masha) directly refers to Arabic word "???" (tallaq) and used to mean ‘discharged itself’, get apart and separated. Whereas, "?????" (fihi) means, within, into, in which or in it etc.
Therefore, "??????? ????????? ???????? ????????????? ???????? ??????? ????? ????????? ?????" correctly means "The blazing spark of adamant faith, the stressful dogmatic blazing spark, the sparking light of stressful pleading belief, the sparking sword of affirming dogma or the asserting faith of fire spewing weapon takes away their vision whatever enlightenment is in it for them they discharged, moved away, removed, departed, got apart or dismissed"
The next clause of verse 2:20 begins with the combination of conjunction and time adverb "???????" (wa iza) means ‘and when’. Whereas, "????????" (azlama) is a verbal noun to mean ‘appearing blindness or ignorance’ and "??????????" means on them, towards them and to them. Since, "????????" (azlama) is a verbal noun therefore, the phrase "??????? ???????? ??????????" can be correctly taken to mean ‘and when ignorance or blindness appears on them’, ‘when ignorance or blindness goes to them, when blindness or ignorance overwhelms them’ or ‘when they have blindness or ignorance on them’. The next phrase "????????" (qaamou) is a combination of third person plural subject pronoun "???" (ou) and "????" (qaam) means: be firmed, become firm, firmed up, become thick, get assembled, get together, put together, build up, implant, resurrect, commission, institute, lodge, found, implement, construct, erect, install, frame up, pile up, compile, declare, publicize, propagandize, and list, i.e. publically declare, or state of being compiled or compiling something.
The word "???" (qaoum) is also derived from the same root of Quranic word "????" (qaam), and "???" (qaoum) means those who assemble, get together, pile up or join each other for a cause, on a charter, on a particular belief and on the name of a tribe or on the basis of their descending family name. Also, the Quranic word "????" (qaam) is an antonym or opposite of "?????" (masha) used in the phrase "?????????" (mashaou) of the same verse 2:20. Hence, if "?????????" (mashaou) means they departed, they got apart, they got separated, they got away then being its opposite phrase "????????" (qaamou) must be translated opposite to "?????????" (mashaou), i.e. to mean they get assembled, they get together, they piled up, they get combined and they joined together as reflected from the words "???" (qaoum) and "????" (qawaam) of the same root. But to bring in the translation of the Quran the pagan ritual of contact prayer (Namaz) our scholars falsely take Quranic words "???" (qaam), "??" (qam), "???" (qeem) and "???" (aqam) to mean stand up or rise. This is the reason why they take false meaning of Quranic words "???" (qaam), "??" (qam), "???" (qeem) and "???" (aqam) throughout the translation of the whole Quran.Therefore, their satanic method of "?????? ????" (tasreef –e-- aayat) does not allow them to take any other meaning of Quranic words "???" (qaam), "??" (qam), "???" (qeem) and "???" (aqam) apart from stand or stand still. Hence, in the verse 2:2 they blindly take "????????" (qamou) to mean they stand and they stand still.
In reality the words "????? ?????? ??????" (summon bukmun umyun) of the verse 2:18 correctly means, "They assemble intended ignorance" are being repeated with different angle in the words "??????? ???????? ?????????? ????????" (wa iza azlama álaihim qamou) of verse 2:20, correctly means, "And when ignorance appears on them or darkness overwhelms them they get assembled, they get together, they become firm, they become thick, they become ridged or they become adamant".
Can you see the consistency of the statements of the Quran and how consistent are the verses of the Quran with each other? But our scholars sabotaged the actual statement of the Quran and produced an abrupt, useless and totally inconsistent translation such as "Deaf, dumb, and blind "(False translation of verse 2:18), "Pouring rain-laden cloud from the sky in darkness, thunder and lightning due to which they get scared and insert their fingers into their ears" (False translation of verse 2:19) and "Lightning snatches their eyesight every time, they walk whenever lightning appears but they stand still when dark comes" (False translation of verse 2:20).
What the hell is this??? Is this the glorious Quran or just abrupt, inconsistent and broken sentences of invented lies of infidels in which they hide the actual message of the Quran???
Whatever they could not invent in the false translation of the above Quranic verses they invented full packs of lies in their evil exegesis in which both Quranist and Traditional scholars invented a false story of travellers or convoy of deaf dumb and blind people who were standing lost in the desert in the dark night surrounded by clouds, rain storm, thunder and lightning. When light flashes a little, they walk few steps in it, but when it gets dark again, they stand still !
The next clause "?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????" of verse 2:20 starts with the combination of conjunction "??" (wao) and conditional particle "????" (lao) means ‘and as long as’ (adverb), ‘and if’ (conditional particle), and whether, and provided that. Whereas, "????" (shá) refers to a balance achieved between objectivity and relevance and considerations involved in taking an action or reaching a conclusion. Hence, the past verb "????" (shá) correctly means: decided, decreed, considered, caused to be, caused to become, intervened, mediated, judged, determined, conciliated, settled, hammered out a deal, steped in, passed judgment, took necessary action, triggered, applied necessary measure, rendered, put up, compelled, induced, persuaded, switched, returned, amended, compensated, recompensed. However, Willed, Pleased, Desired, Wanted and Wished are false meaning of Quranic word "????" (shá). For more details please read my following article on quranic words "?????"(shá), "???????" (yshá) and "???????"(tshá).
The next word is "??????" (Allah) which is simply a title of God in Arabic language and "????????" (la zahaba) is a combination of prefixed preposition "??" (la) means ‘to’, ‘for’, ‘in order to’, ‘belong to’ and ‘having something, and "??????" (zahaba) means: go away, depart, get away, get out, get lost, disappeared, left, escaped, pulled out, withdraw, quit, move away, remove, let go and go over.
The next phrase "????????????" (bi saméi him) is consisted of preposition "??" (bi) which is physically connected with something or physically related to something to mean with, connected with, with reference to, by, by means of, within, in, adhered to, in connection with, "??????" (saméi) means ‘perception’ or ‘understanding’, and third person plural possessive pronoun "????" (him) to mean ‘their’. Likewise, the phrase "???????????????" (wa absari him) is consisted of conjunction "??" (wa) means and, "?????????" (absari) means ‘vision’ or ‘view’ and third person plural possessive pronoun "????" (him) means ‘their’.
Hence, the words "?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????" of the verse 2:20 correctly means: And if God decreed/decided/considered to depart with their understanding/perception and their vision.
In the last clause of the verse 2:20 "????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ???????" the particle "?????" (inna) followed by Arabic title of God "??????" (Allah) is coming to mean Allah or God is definitely, absolutely, without question, and "?????" (ala) means: to, over, upon, onto, and "????? ??????" (kulli shayin) means, ‘everything’. Whereas, the last word of the verse 2:20 is "???????" (qadeer) which is falsely translated by some scholars to mean Almighty, Omnipotent or Supreme Power. These words are used among the polytheist religions to describe one Almighty, Omnipotent or Supreme God over and above so many gods.
However, the Quran never uses such superlative adjectives with God, Who is only one like king is king and you do not say Almighty king or Supreme king. Likewise, the phrase "????? ????" (Allahu Akbar) also came from Arab pagans who used to call Allah to the biggest god or almighty over their more than 365 gods. This is the reason why Quran does not use such words like "????" (Akbar), almighty or supreme with Allah but obviously in the polytheistic translations of the Quran and polytheistic rituals such as Aazan and Namaz (contact prayer) we frequently find such words which make Allah the biggest, almighty and supreme god. In fact Allah or God is a unique and one and only entity if we call Him the biggest or almighty it means that we are also leaving a room or provision for lower or small gods which is against the teaching of the Quran and also against the teaching of all revelations of God.
Hence, the Quranic word "???????" (qadeer) truly means capable, able to do, and estimator or able to estimate the fate or destiny of everything. Hence, the word "???????" signifies the ability of Allah of doing things. Therefore, "Allah has power on or over everything is also a wrong translation" like Allah is an Almighty on or above the lower or small gods. Like standard or everyday spoken Arabic why don’t they take "?????" (ala) to mean ‘to’ in the phrase "????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ???????" and correctly translate this phrase to mean "Allah is definitely or absolutely able to do everything"?
So, in summary we should understand that we have found the word "???????" (yakadu) is a stressful affirmation, an adamant dogma or a hard belief that is basically our stubborn belief coming from manmade religion and "?????????" (alburq) is the sharp blazing sword, the fire spewing weapon or the blazing spark, and the words "???????? ????????????? ???????? ??????? ????? ????????? ?????" correctly means ceases or takes away their vision whatever enlightenment is in it for them they discharged, moved away, removed, get apart, get separated, get away or dismissed". The next clause "??????? ???????? ?????????? ????????" correctly means ‘and when ignorance appears on them, ‘darkness overwhelms them’ or ‘ignorance comes to them’ they assemble, put together, pile up, compile or publicize and "?????? ???? ?????? ???????? ???????????? ???????????????" correctly means ‘and if God decreed/decided/considered to depart with their understanding or perception and their vision, and "????? ?????? ????? ????? ?????? ???????" correctly means ‘Allah is definitely or absolutely able to do everything’.
In the light of the above analysis the word for word correct translation of verse 2:20 of Surah Al Baqarah chapter 2 of the Quran is as follows:
"The blazing spark of adamant affirming dogma ceases their vision whatever enlightenment is in it for them they move away and when ignorance overwhelms them they get assembled and if Allah considered to depart with their perception and their vision that Allah is absolutely able to do everything". (Word for word correct translation of verse 2:20)
"The blazing spark of stressful affirming faith takes away their vision whatever enlightenment is in it for them they move away and when ignorance prevails over them they get together and if Allah decided to withdraw their perception and their vision that Allah is absolutely able to do everything" (Word for word fluent correct translation of verse 2:20)
"The blazing sword of stressful affirming faith takes away their vision whatever enlightenment is in it for them they dismiss and when ignorance overwhelms them they get together and if Allah decreed to move away their perception and their vision that Allah is absolutely able to do everything" (Word for word classical correct translation of verse 2:20)
"The fire spewing weapon of stressful affirming belief takes away their vision whatever enlightenment is in it for them they discharge themselves and when ignorance comes to them they become adamant and if Allah decided to get away their perception and their vision that Allah is absolutely able to do everything" (Word for word advance correct translation of verse 2:20)
Kashif Khan
The same article in Urdu is underneath for Urdu readers.
Garden Designer at FactSet
4 年peace brother hope you are well i was wondering was muhammad ever mentioned in the old and new testament by name of hes coming like the traditionlist claim
Learning Mentor and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
4 年This translation makes so much sense. The sectarian translation always confused me, I never understood it and it didn’t make sense
PhD Medicinal Biochemistry
4 年Appreciated all work especially your effort on Arabic Grammer. I was certainly lost myself between Nabhi and Rasool. Your explanation with Arabic Grammer may be the best if your Grammer is correct. I cannot say right or wrong because language is not my strength not subject. However to understand more closer meaning it is must one should have background of language. Now a common man like me is lost in faith after listening the interpretation of many many scholars. Now I read yours, I feel today you ar correct now I am wondering if tomorrow someone comes and proves you wrong, what will I do. My suggestion is, it needs a panel of people who accept the arabic grammar you describe, so that you have a witnessed by Arabic language scholars. It is Important these issues must be solved by new generation PhD scholars previous scholars gave us nothing more than a messy messages. Now I am in a situation I cannot translate La-ilaha-ilalla-Mohammad-Rasool-lallah . We call it first kalima.
Graduate at Middlesex University
4 年I wish you can translate the whole quran so we are less confused ??
There is no such thing as a *CORRECT TRANSLATION* in fact to assume there is to come to an incorrect conclusion, which is that what Allah revealed in Arabic can be captured in other than Arabic, this is not only false but inventing a lie against Allah. Furthermore, to even begin to suggest or prove a *correct translation* is to cause dissension, because Allah said, ?????? ???????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????????? ??????????? did Allah ???????????? with both word & meaning or just the words & dispersed the meaning elsewhere in other languages? If what Allah sent down was in Arabic, then what makes you think that anything other than what He sent down, how He sent it down & in the language He sent it down, is correct? What about, the other verse where Allah said, ?????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????? ?????? surely ???????? ?????? entails word, meaning, lessons & so on, is to be found nowhere outside but in the Qur'an itself, which again was sent down in Arabic, therefore how can you find understanding of the words, meaning, lessons & so on of the Qur'an which was *sent down* in Arabic, outside the Qur'an in something which was not sent down neither in Arabic or otherwise? That said, I understand the efforts you're trying to make, but unfortunately you went to the desert looking for ice.