Corpus Christi Sunday
This past Sunday, the Church celebrated Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the?Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
The history for the feast dates back to the 13th century with a Belgian nun named?St. Juliana of Liège. She experienced visions for 20 years of Christ asking for a feast day.
The diocese of Liège and others began celebrating it and Pope Urban IV made it a universal?feast day in 1264.
The pope commissioned?St. Thomas Aquinas?to write liturgical texts and hymns. Thsee include:?
Corpus Christi is famous for its?Eucharistic processions, walking with the Eucharist in adoration with the faith community praying and singing hymns.
As we begin the "Year of Parish Revival"?for the?National Eucharistic Revival, let us renew our devotion to Christ truly present in the Eucharist and share this truth with those around us.
What does the Catholic Church teach about those with same-sex attraction? How do we approach those who struggle with compassion while upholding the truth?
Is life really just about seeking power, fame, and pleasure? Paul J. Kim explores what our hearts?really?desire from life.
Article?-?The Dumb Phone: The Digital Sackcloth
The digital world is noisy! It pesters us with why we should know something we don’t already know, be somewhere we aren’t, look at something we shouldn’t, or buy something we don’t have. We need to step back and dip into our Church’s wisdom to take a deeper look at the effects of the digital world.
Very truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
John 6:53