How to Improve Productivity & Performance at Work through Visit to this Nature's place in NCR Region, India
Divya Shlokam ?? ????? ??????
CEO at Shlokus | Spiritual Disciple | Inspirational Speaker | Coach | From Power Suits to Sacred Steps: Outbound Leadership Pilgrimage for Authentic Leaders
A Road Less Travelled, A Destination Never Tried - In Center of City yet in Lap of Nature - What, Where, How?
Internet is full of researches on how Human Productivity & Creativity is increased by % in the Lap of Mother Nature. Just to sight a few examples lets go through some facts & figures.
An article in website covered a new study conducted by Alan Hedge, Professor of Dept. of Design & Environment at Cornell. It mentioned Workers in daylit office environments reported 84 percent drop in symptoms of eye strains, headaches, blurred vision etc that hampered their productivity. However not all offices are designed that ample sun light can come from windows, hardly any office has open air set up.
As per another article in website Some researchers suggest humans have an innate need to be connected with nature. This is called biophilia. But as housing density, commute times, and office hours increase, we are spending less and less time in natural environments.
This piece of content suggests ; Workplace stress costs American businesses upto US$190 billion every year in healthcare costs alone. This is why bringing nature into the office can have such a big impact on employee wellbeing.
The blog further suggests; Incorporating nature into the workplace can take many different forms including living green walls, indoor trees and planter boxes. Even views of nature on television screens or art can positively impact mood and wellbeing.
Yet another study mentioned in It was study that investigated the effects of natural elements and direct and indirect sunlight exposure on employee mental health and work attitudes. We recruited participants via an online panel from the United States and India, and analyzed data from 444 employees.
This article suggested; Natural elements and sunlight exposure related positively to job satisfaction and organizational commitment, and negatively to depressed mood and anxiety. Direct sunlight was a dominant predictor of anxiety; indirect sunlight was a dominant predictor of depressed mood, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.
This study also emphasised ; Natural elements buffered the relationship between role stressors and job satisfaction, depressed mood, and anxiety. The study also found that depressed mood partially mediated the relationship between natural elements and job satisfaction. We discuss scientific and policy implications of these findings.
All above studies share the importance of human beings being close to nature. Nature has a healing power and acts as restoration catalyst for the exhausted energies of entire week while working in the closed offices.
Now lets get back to real life scenario. All of us want to get rid of hustle bustle of busy city and corporate life.
But we hardly get time or right circumstances to go out of the city and dwell in the farms. What if a place is available well within busy city of Noida and that gets us a much needed break from busy schedules, we get refreshed, energised and rejuvenated.
After a tiring week at the Office, what if one gets to visit a place which is near his/her home yet in Lap of Mother Nature.
One such revered destination in India is "The Way We Were" Gir Cow Farm (mostly known as Gaushala in Noida near Delhi, India) which is run and managed by Gir Gau Palak & Leader in Natural Organic Farming Mr. Sanjay Bhalla.
I Went there sometime back and it was a mesmerising day, did a couple of shoots there (incidentally its still widely unexplored venue for shooting & corporate trainings).
The farm not only houses 200 Gir Breed India Desi Cows but also has organic farming, Organic food weekends Nature Parties & Hens in Poultry section & Lots of Loveable Dogs to play & Destress with. Family, or friends, colleagues or corporate teams, shooting or photography destination, its coupled with all.
If you want a no-ac environment for a change, want to dirty your hands in mud and cow dung, wanna love the calf and the puppies, explore the village part of India in prime city of Noida, then this farm is a must visit for a day or two for your personal or corporate team building and fun visits.
The farm has open farm tents facilities, mud cottages and cow-area rooms that can house 20-30 people to stay overnight. The chhaas, fresh warm milk, butter, ghee and all milk delicacies organic in nature just lure us to this destination. So next time lets meet there.
Following Video is in Hindi & it shares my completed experience there. You may be able to take fair amount of idea from there. The Farm has residential cottages and overnight stay arrangements. Though people prefer day's trips there.
I will come back with more just interesting ideas in our next article!--
Detailed Introduction about the Author (Divya Shlokam) :- (What I do) -
I am Business Show Host & Producer, an Award Winning Corporate Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Business & CEO Coach with 20+ cumulative years exposure in India, Canada, & USA.
(Why I do it) My Mission - Bridging the Gap - There lies a gap between the speed, the type of digital evolution, the open environment for online influence creation & huge opportunities lying under-utilised for profitable growth in career or business. Most leaders not being able to catch up with pace & take great advantage of today's growth environment.
Leaders & Organizations are struggling to build competencies @speed of light. As a result, organisations, leaders, startups & teams are missing on the opportunities of Professional & Business Growth. I help Leaders & Organisations create online & in-house media capabilities for showcasing their thought leadership, build brand, capture growth opportunities & expand business ever faster.
I help bridge the gap between opportunities & growth for Leaders & Organisations in today's digital evolution.
(How I do it ) My Services for Individuals & Start-ups - I help Professionals, Leaders, Socialites, Business Owners & Entrepreneurs to take them to their next level of achievements - build personal brand through online & offline presence while showcasing their thought leadership. I help individuals create profitable careers or businesses. I coach busy CEOs/CXOs to create their online & of-line influence that leads to their next level growth. I train start ups in building their online influence for brand building & growing business exponentially.
(How I do it) My Services for Corporate, Institutions & MNCs - Does your company strive to make impact on Stake Holders including employees, customers & share holders alike. My Media Company provides Businesses & Corporates Power-packed in-house Media Solutions that facilitate faster growth of business & build super productive engaging teams within organisation. I help large organisations create their own Media & Content generation capabilities through In-house Shows, videos, Linkedin Video content generation consistently. I have helped organisations maximise their profits, increase productivity of teams & give peak performance through motivation & engagement of employees.
Linkedin is my favourite Social Media Network & I love to write articles & share my thought leadership in domains of Leadership, Show-casing Thought Leadership, Video Generation, LinkedIn Profile building, Well-being, Career Growth, Business Growth, Entrepreneurship, Start-ups, Branding, In-house Media for corporate & maximising profits using latest trends & more.
I can be contacted at [email protected], WhatsApp only. +91-9810569688
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