Having worked with businesses across North America Business Coaching, finance Consulting, non-profits and individuals; many of you know me from different facets of my abilities and Professional Certifications: I've seen over the years a steady decline in spirit and moral as business owners meet their challenges and employees battle with lack of job appreciation and stability in these changing times. Full time jobs with decent salaries shifting to job performance sending security down the drain. We wonder why North Americans' are having a tough time in the housing market. How can you prove an income for a lender when your job is on a contract basis and or not full time because your job went from 40 hrs down to 38 then to 36. It's all upside down now. Technology wiping out jobs in droves, medical and dental down the drain as business owners squeeze you, minimizing your time at work and taxing your time by increasing your job load. 

After years of fencing myself as a Commercial identity and a continued vision of the protection of our world's fresh living water, my course has changed. I was invited to watch an interview with the most proclaimed PhD in nutrition. [Imagine having no peers in your industry] My entire world came to a halt as I reran over and over the video to put pen to paper of this pinnacle of science of the human body to write a transcript to visually look at what was before me.  Being a manufacturer for years haven previously created 1 of the top 3 lotions in the world due to the extensive ingredient list and accurate tincture with an award winning Cosmetology Scientist Team in R & D. Having created a scientific marvel targeting a specific reaction in the body; I knew exactly what I was listening too. 

Imagine after 40 years of research of one man and his teams, a product that meets the C.Q.F. Standard [Scientific achievement] in addition 7 issued patents with 14 clinical tests to prove factually the results of a nutrient. I immediately called my parents and an aunt and suggested they simply throw out the vitamins they had on hand and I would explain when I saw them. To discover fact on what I had believed for years that many companies are not testing the result of their forms of vitamins or how much they are actually suggesting dosages on. To discover that those untested tinctures were in many cases causing what they claim to be addressing. Promoting free radicals and increasing inflammation. The two main causes of illnesses and disease.  How many people do we all know who are taking medications with herbs. These two DO NOT MIX. [this increases free radicals] Vitamins without clinical testing to prove the results within the body are much more serious than any of us could have thought. Now armed with the most valuable information I couldn't wait to share with everyone I know so they can do the same. 

A little shift back to how in today the N.W.M. industry outweighs the super giants like sports, movie, corporate as the fastest growing industry in the world at 120 billion last year. Why? People are growing tired of being kicked to the curb after years of dedication. Now a-days many being denied what used to be a norm: medical and dental unable to qualify for mortgages and much more. The world was a much happier place when more people worked for themselves then big corporate and times are reverting back to that backbone and what worked. With little to know appreciation in many companies or security due to the rising skyrocketing costs of living with an ever-growing population, the wise are now looking for residual income[s]. If I get hurt at work, have a heart attack who is going to help me? With many insurances falling short on their ever decreasing coverage hidden in the fine print.

I too looked at this. How many people are working in an industry or N.W.M. a product that has a hit or miss sales? Is that a residual? No it is not. Yet when we know something is an amazing product we hang in there to support it. Are those companies compensating you during those times? Supporting you when no sales are occurring or finding ways to minimize your achievements and or payouts. I've watched so many people seriously loose so much of what should be quality time in their lives with products that the average person simply these days cannot afford no matter how much they want them. This rings equally with products and equipment. Finding that balance. I've watched somewhat I refer to as MLM personalities who would steal the words out of your mouth and food out of your stomach just to make a buck because they can and they treat their associates in a manner I am often shocked with; as they hold tight their secrets that allowed them to achieve their dreams yet hold down those very people on their team. They steal any idea an otherwise achiever shares with them and claim it to be theirs.     

Network marketing I see as a much different entity from a business perspective and those involved with N.W.M. are generally leaders with taste and excel as they lead their team with sharing what worked for them; and are there to light their teams way vs. hiding it.

Yes, I am purposely rotating this article:

As I sat and watched this interview of this amazing PhD., I was taken back with the science of the C.Q.F. Standard. Imagine to have the USA Marine Commander ome to you for a project you spent the past 40 years in development and request your work to become front runner for their military: then to go on to achieve the pinnacle of science of the human body with 7 issued patents and 14 clinical studies. As an inventor myself, haven spoken at many events on patents, manufacturing, what constitutes a natural product, business, the human body and living water, I was so proud for him.

The clinical tests proving factually this micronutrient rejuvenates and restores the natural DNA order...mapping. That factually proven with clinical testing this tincture feeds the cells exactly the right C.Q.F. of nutrients for the cell to naturally produce enzymes; which reduce inflammation, in addition produce protective proteins to reduce free radicals. Now anyone who knows me knows that I support only one type of ionize cell in ionize water. With the combination of a micro living crystalline alkaline water to hydrate and support aerobic action within the blood, the results are beyond words as my body has shown me this past while. When the cell itself is supported by living water [natural earth minerals not man-made] the cell can communicate as intended. Open and close, open and close [ difficult for it to do with a dehydrated raisin like cell; correct?]; flush out toxins and bring in nutrients [open and close], that is the cells main function 24-7, pretty simple. Now the question is what kind of nutrients are you willing to feed your cells. 

With today's food chains and heavy contaminates and other issues the chances of reaching the pinnacle tincture of nutrient due to over chemical saturation or under achieved foods not to mention all the fillers in the average vitamin or binders on their capsules how and who are we to believe anymore. Using the right form of vitamins we now discover through factual documentation can either be beneficial or the wrong form become the culprit in actually causing what many companies claim to be addressing. This PhD discusses how taking particular dosages of vitamins can actually cause birth defects, become the main factor in Parkinson disease or Alzheimer's and let's not forget diabetes and all other major health issues. So between all this documented clinical testing and achievements not to mention my own experiences: I will share, I haven't ran in over 6 years for many reasons and to run again is amazing and not to be huffing and puffing, to not have to lift my left leg into the car was amazing or lean against the bed to put my pant on has been amazing. To once again sleep on my side without pain in my shoulders has been amazing and most of all to have regained my feeling in my left fingers has been as if I have traveled back 10 years before a serious incident that changed how I lived my life. A broken foot knuckle finally without pain. I am feeling like I am back and those around me are telling me they wouldn't believe it if they were not seeing all this with their own eyes, especially my nurse next door. [hahaha]

As a previously steadfast commercial business entity when I looked at this company and to have discovered the owners give away 90-95% of their profit to non-profits I was elated. The offer a special project for war vets [my grandfather was a war vet] Imagine working with a company that has on average a cliental retention of 87%. This is almost unheard of. So just imagine what growing a residual might look like with a company that has a 87% client retention...

Our time today with our families especially those living in a city with a steady influx of new arrivals to the city; it's hours in rush hour vs. walking in the park having quality time in your life. When you finally arrive home, have dinner then sit down to devote your precious time to your home based business...Is it really paying you a residual or is it a hit and miss sale, are you spending more dollars or more time than your making? I know you need to prove that you invested in the right journey to all those who know you. Ask yourself today if you are willing to fall for that old saying you got to put in your time? Yes but that time needs to be showing profit in the first few months and building a residual to lean on; at least that is what I have heard from most people why they are working with a home based business to gain more freedom and to earn extra income.

I am saying all this as I have watched so many individuals across North America do this to themselves and wake up years down the road almost no farther ahead han when they started secretly. Deep down they knew and some went from one thing to the next trying to find that right fit for themselves and good for each of you as your vision is closer to eventually find that right fit because you strive to find it, the right fit to a better work/life you see yourself achieving or maybe it's just to touch someone's life that needs to be reached out too.

After reaching the point of ready to launch with a web project I have worked on for the past two years; I was gearing up to return to distribution of my own products which hit a home run in their first year; though due to a terrible incident I had to shelf it all back then; as I had no one trained to take over. Did I have a residual to lean on with it at that point? Not without someone to take over? Yet here I was in what I like to refer to as, "having a mom sabbatical" when out of left field my passion became ignited with this pinnacle in science and the vision became crystal clear when I looked at the Head Office mission, ethics and where this company had already arrived, combined with their culture, I simply felt more moved than I had by anything in my life prior.  For years literly thousands of people attached to me in some fashion have contacted me wanting me to climb onboard their projects, though until now they have been faced with a polite, no thank you and support where I can give it with good faith. 

This company provides the strongest network platform I have ever seen from a business perspective, focused on giving vs taking advantage of their Consultants and Clients. I am not a seller, I am an educator, providing information and so far, I am blessed with 100% of those I share with simply asking how soon they can get this product without even asking how much. I have never seen this and just as equally yet to meet an individual who would pass on feeling the age their mind is at vs. where they have arrived in their body today with free radical damage to their cells or inflammation causing them to lessen their quality of life. Visit inspire dot engage-global dot com to learn more. [use a " . "where I write dot to find your way. Email me if you know someone with diabetes and I will point you to a website you can obtain a free copy of a this author's publication which otherwise sells for 157.00 USD online and read for yourself the science. Yes he has given permission for this to be downloaded to those we point to this copy and even better, there is no requirement to buy anything at all. This is one time where education is absolutely a gift. After all you found my article interesting enough to read to the end and do know I am of gratitude of your time and who you may one day bless as I awaken each day to do myself these days.

Please make a mental note: Bottled water has no ability to transfer frequency in your cells. . Ask yourself if you would put vinegar in your car because that is what giving to your body with dead bottled water and expecting it to run! At the least purchase online a carbon block bottle of quality and give your cells a healthier living water from the tap. Just remove the chlorine. 

Feel free to email me with questions and may your choices in life deliver you to the outcome of your vision.


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