Corporate storytelling…. Breathe life into your business
Karen O'Donnell
Empowering Women to Command the Stage, Speak with Confidence, and Drive Impact ?? Presentation Coach | Mindset Mentor
Corporate Storytelling
Just this morning, I was chatting about coffee pods with my husband Fran. I like a particular brand and he was suggesting one of their competitors! I blurted out “I prefer to support a company whose very DNA is evident in its messaging”. I wasn’t attracted to the brand because of its expertise in harvesting and processing the coffee beans. However, I was captivated by the way the company demonstrated its integrity, innovation and social responsibility in its messaging. The DNA of this company was in their corporate storytelling. I bought into their vision and as a result, I buy their coffee!
Corporate storytelling…. Breathe life into your business
Like it or not, customers make decisions based on emotions and only then, will they look for the logic to back it up! Furthermore, storytelling can connect your message emotionally, with your target audience.
For centuries, people have retold their experiences of hardship, valour and success through nursery rhymes, songs and stories. With every story, there is a challenge resulting in a change or learning. Your product or service can offer that change for your target audience!
While the business-like way of communicating using data and statistics, storytelling allows people to experience what this data means. Just like going to the movies, we mentally relax and become more receptive to new ideas in the film. When your business story engages emotions and is relevant, people are much more likely to consider your actual message. Consequently, stories are a powerful and effective means of connecting your target audience to your product or service.
“Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your success in your business and in your life.” – Brian Tracy
Your Corporate DNA
Your mission statement, core values and USPs form the very DNA of your business. This in turn forms the foundation/branding for all stories promoting your product or service, by you and your team. When your message is contained in a story, it will get noticed and remembered. If you are already embracing stories, the question is….. are you telling effective stories? Being able to write a good story, is only a small part of the skillset required.
Corporate Storytelling Masterclass
When uncovering your story, we incorporate the 7Cs to storytelling which is based on the process identified by renowned storyteller Joseph Campbell.
By using this World Class approach to corporate storytelling, you and your team can:
- effectively communicate this vital messaging to your audience.
- bring your authentic stories to the surface and help you deliver them in such a way that connects people; and
- increase business; unite a team; and strengthen your marketing position.
With our Corporate Storytelling Masterclass, 'Mastering the Pieces of Storytelling', you and your team can create presentations with a proven repeatable process and breathe life into your corporate stories. At this masterclass you will also cover:-
· Master connection before you even speak!
· 4 step formula to open with impact
· Master the SOFA method of incorporating sensory language effectively
· 4 step formula that appeals to each personality type
· 5-piece PARTS formula for creating compelling content
· Mastering your foundational phrase to bring clarity
· 5 Elements of influence in selling
· Developing your Closing Anchor
· Transitional Teases
· 10 dynamic delivery strategies
· 4 step formula to close your speech in the most influential way
· 8 Keys to enhance your Q&A Sessions
If you want to become a presenter who can inspire and engage others with your presentations and have your audiences leaning into your every word, this masterclass is for you. Karen will help you breathe life into your stories and create captivating content with the 7Cs of Compelling Storytelling. There are many areas to consider with presenting - checkout how your skillset level scores with this competency checklist.
Karen is part of a world-wide team of coaches to ensure she keeps up to date with cutting edge tools and techniques so as her clients can excel in their businesses. These masterclasses are now available online. To discuss this further with Karen, contact her here.
Karen O'Donnell - Speaker - Trainer - Coach
Karen has attained the highest level in Toastmasters of Distinguished Toastmaster, is also a professional speaker and accredited World Class Speaker Coach. She is the creator of innerGPS System - Confidence and Communication Programs. Details of these foundations are documented in her #1 best seller book 'Discover your Inner GPS' - available from Amazon.
For more details of our programs click here.