Corporate or Startup- Which way to go?
A much-debated question for most freshers is which way to go when it comes to their first job. Corporate or startups- is the question. Unfortunately, there is no right or wrong answer here, it is entirely a personal journey and you need to make the choice. While you make the choice, deliberating upon the following will come in handy-
Are you sure of your career plan?
Are you still deciding what to do in the long run or do you have a plan in mind? Corporate organizations will give you exposure in the field you get hired in and help you achieve laurels. But that only happens if you are certain. Startups give you a taste of almost all profiles and can help you make up an uncertain mind.
What do you value?
Make a list of what you consider as valuable. If it is associating yourself with a big brand name, the corporate is the way to go. But if seek more learning and opportunity to experiment, startups are the right choice.
Benefits or Creative Problem Solving?
Finally, weigh what you seek more. Corporate organizations offer great benefits and incentives that go unparalleled. On the other hand, startups empower you with creative problem-solving skills and think outside the box
Also, ask yourself how open you are to experiment with your life. The spirit of adventure and the mindset to unlock your potential should also be considered as a key criterion for selection. Most of the startups are experiments and compete with each other to prove their solutions as better. Experimenting with your life and figuring out which hours you deliver the best, understanding your strengths and weakness is pretty quick in a startup as the customers are doing that in almost real-time.
Make a wise choice! Do the right thing! Choose whatever you do understand your role and key deliverables and be a team player. Success has no rules but gaining clarity towards your role so that you can achieve them via a conflict-free zone.
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