Corporate social responsability with ASA (Angelman Syndrome Association)
Alfonso García Ca?amaque
CEO and BD Director at Leon Research - Member of AICROS
Angelman Syndrome is a severe neurological disorder of genetic origin. Likely it is the first time you hear of this disease, and that is one of its main problems: it is a rare disease that often is not even diagnosed.
Today I would like you to help me to disseminate that it exists, that it requires a lot of attention at many levels, and that there is an association in Spain that brings together more than 200 families affected by this syndrome. They actually work a lot, they provide support and guidance to families and professionals, promote research and contribute to the dissemination of the knowledge it generates. All in order to try to improve the quality of life of the people affected by the disorder.
Several members of León Research’s team know one of these families and finding a way to support them was one of the ideas we shared when we launched and joint internal reflection within the entire León Research team on social responsibility actions.
Finally, we jointly decided, after voting among different initiatives and approaches, that from the first of July 2020 onwards and for the next two years we are collaborating with the Angelman Syndrome Association.
And we will do it on two main areas:
- On the one hand, helping to increase the visibility of the disease and the association by encouraging the entire León Research social environment to disseminate the challenges and progresses and join the initiative. We are learning from ASA that dissemination has an enormous value because, for example, it will be key to achieving an earlier and more accurate diagnosis.
- And on the other, making a monthly economic contribution. Both from each member of the organization individually as well as from León Research as a company, which will contribute with a fixed amount per each member of the staff and will double the amount each member of the team voluntarily decides to contribute to.
The joint contribution will be towards ASA’s Angelman syndrome clinical research because we know the value it has.
It is an initiative in which the entire staff is getting involved with special enthusiasm. We do want to share all this with you because we believe it is great news and we also would like to encourage you to join the action.
Warm greetings from the whole Leon Research's team