Corporate Reputation
Naro Tri Buwono
Corporate Communications I CSR I Community Development at PT. BANK NEGARA INDONESIA (Persero) Tbk.
What is corporate reputation?
Corporate reputation is the sum of all the views and beliefs held about a company based on its history, interactions, and future prospects compared to close competitors. The opinions and beliefs that matter most are that of a company’s stakeholders, such as employees, customers, and investors.
Why is corporate reputation important?
An organization’s sales can rise and fall with the ebb and flow of its corporate reputation. A positive corporate reputation is very difficult for competitors to match or overcome. ?
How do you build corporate reputation?
Understanding and acknowledging its fickle nature is the first step toward building or managing your corporate reputation. Bolstering and maintaining corporate reputation is an ongoing process for CEOs and other company leaders, but it all starts with keeping one word in mind: stakeholders. Being able to communicate better with stakeholders and ensuring you address their needs and concerns is the backbone of corporate reputation management. That is supplemented with how your brand is perceived by stakeholders, which is affected by several factors such as SEO, news coverage, reviews, and public actions.