<~Corporate Communication Internal |MIS-MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM as in90'S,NOW&BEYOND|~>
Ranjit Zacharia
???? Content Creation, Business Startups Management, Market Research/Intelligence/Company Reports, Outsourcing, Event Management, Business Consultancy.
?The Paper:?Corporate Communication Now & Beyond Series Edition 3 : (Internal Corporate?Communication)
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (M.I.S) as in 90’s,Now|&^Beyond|||^^^
The Series on Corporate Communication will also include M I S & Marketing Research & in the process it will take you on a journey thru the early 90’ to narrate,understand ,integrate ,synchronize ,synergize with the Internal Corporate Environment and understand?its impact on Successful business management then and now, it also showcases the importance & role of Management Information System( M I S ) ,its relation with Marketing Research. It will also continue to include the present & future soon.................
ARTICLE ON: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (M.I.S) and its Relation with Market Research ?was originally Written??on in: 16-7-1994 – re-released on 24-10-1996->>> being upgraded with AI>>>><<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:??
Management Information System (M I S ) :
Prior to industrial Revolution trusted Stewards ( the modern day managers ) used to bring in data’s annually to the so called Proprietor?and had to depend on this for market decisions the outcome?often improper ^>><<<,,,..>>>>. Of course life was as Simple as a water wheel ( mill?).
Now with changing scenario & competition on the edge of a razor where everyone is on the race to clinch “The Gold “ but unfortunately could not defy ?Darwinian theory of survival & has to take refuge under MIS Clearly evident from international data corporation estimates where retail establishment spend 0.3 $ ( cent ) for every 1 US $ dollar on Info-Systems. “effective Info-Systems is a must for Successful Management of large firms involved in highly complex business activities “ says Terrance Hanold (President Pillsbury Company ).????
Marketing ?Research is means of managing data & inform the firms need for making decision, data related to marketing activities must be collected & maintained the data should pertain to factors that are internal & external to the firm thus the role of MIS in a firm involved in marketing activities in the efficiency to help implement the market research process & accomplish goals.
P g #1
Research consists of collecting & analyzing data towards achieving short run & long run objectives & once the result are out & policies for implementing?& accomplishment of said objective re formulated ,the firm will concentrate on another problems?&?subjects in addition to developing short run & long run strategies.
Marketing ?research is a invariable part of MIS when it comes to?large standard firms having no access to MIS will be seen scattered in so many places that its effective use becomes humanly impossible without MI S .????
So one can’t afford to miss M.I.S?& its advantages .
So to say your research work is futile unless you have your M I S at work.?Here is a preview of what?I.S (Information System) & research is all about. NOW with Satellite Communication Network‘s ?getting lightning fast & nerve turtle slow.
Just to compare the speed of ISDN( international Service Digital Network ) with conventional ones : to transmit a paper back of 50,000,00 characters the time taken is :
|TELEX??? | 50BPS? |?1DAY???|
| ISDN? |140MBS |?blink of- an eye|
So to cater to the needs of open market ISDN International Information highways (World Wide Web -WWW), open systems ( Super Wide Area Network ),Teleconferencing Network ,Video Text ,view data ,email, Priestley system etc…,
Everything has gone globally centralized & open So no Companies can turn a blind eye to global competition & many of the preparation themselves in their backyard to face it.
?Now with this scene around every bit of information is gathered to the minutest details from retail outlets with online real time systems or just online systems thru POS ( point of Sale ) wands , Facsimile ,multimedia Ads ,video text( view data ) ,Email ,priestly system ,Automatic Teller Machine ( ATM ) ,LAN & remotely located P C are digitally coded & centrally stored. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Here is hierarchical structure of how the data is collected & managed ( Data based Management System )
Central Store ( big Spools )
?Corporate Head Quarters
????????????????????| ????????????????????????????????
???????? V
DISTRICT 1 ?<-----------> DISTRICT 2
?? |?????????????????????????? ?????|
?????? V??????????????????????????? ? V
|Branch 1 | |Branch2| |Branch 1|| Branch2||Branch 3| |Branch 4|
So next Time when you see transactions occurring at a remote sales counter of a well-equipped store .
Just the press of a button & behind the screen one uses the whole chain of services network ( computer terminals sales terminal to decode digital analog & the reverse machine modem & & mux a dish transmitting it to the communication satellite & received ) the item code?of the item purchased is conveyed instantly at the end of the day ,the terminal records the following items : 1.Price of Product .2.No of items sold. 3.I.d .# to facilitate inventory updating .4.The Style number in the case of fabrics /dress materials 5.Detailed data on which the transaction or sale occurs.6.I.d # of the terminal completing sale .7.Sales level. 8.Total amount of the bill .
M I S & Marketing Research Are inter mingled although marketing research pre dates M I S ( M I S was developed in 1960 )
M I S & Marketing Research works hand in hand MIS
M I S & Three System :
1. Marketing Control System
?The marketing control system( e. g:.: helps controlling coast & ?find out reasons for poor sales ) ?
2. Marketing?Planning System
Marketing ?Planning System( e g:Sales forecasting promotional planning & create market )
?There are Decision Support System ( D .S .S ) Software packages
?eg :an ice cream company case if the cost of chocolate cream is raising
1.reduce the size of the ice cream without?effecting the cost ,its advantage & Disadvantage .
2.increaseing the size of chocolate cream& increasing the price .its effect on market ,drawbacks etc.
3.Keeping the size constant but reducing the thickness of the costly layer of chocolate cream thus keeping the cost same. All this and more can be visualized analyzed by the ( d.s.s) even more the package design can be made more attractive .?
Thus giving over all decision support?saving time & money
Although?the marketing research is a dynamic one ( frequent changes occur & situation arise which are incomparable under the sun ) ,So?marketing history is not of much use ,Still expert systems forecast s the market to a certain level of accuracy & workable solution for it.
3. Marketing Research System
Marketing Research System ( Advertisement ) all these are to be backed up by Marketing Research ( Market Research is a part of Marketing?research )
Marketing research plays a special role in development of M I S with respect to?:
a)??????The specification of the information required ( what details are needed to prepare an advertising budget )
b)??????The determination of the relationship of the variable involved ( e.g. how readership /audio?jingle / viewership of an advertisement relates to sales )
c)??????Collection of data required ( e g :compare the difference in sales of non advertised item).Pg#3
We have many local?examples of companies which has been using M I S & Marketing research .
So next time if you place an order at your nearest store the inventory?( thru Oracle based ERP via Satellite?) across the world is being accessed /used and getting updated accordingly .
So over production & over loading is slashed resulting in no storage or crisis thus the system works efficiently .
M I S & Marketing Research helps a firm in :
a)??????Financial Accounting
c)??????Inventory controlling
d)??????Forecasting Market
e)??????Working out strategy
f)????????Making advertisement with more impact
g)??????Quotation of Tenders.
h)??????In Public Relation
i)????????Un solving labor unrests/ problems.
j)????????Gathering Suggestion /Complaints &?& Summing it up .
k)??????Controlling ,regulating & informing ( tracing ) the travel agency in making a perfect package tour .
l)????????Airlines Operation & detecting forecasting major flaws.
m)????Process control ,Quality Checks .
Market News & Market Intelligence In fact the above two terms often deals with agriculture Marketing Information System ( AMIS )it’s highly developed in many countries having Arial survey ,satellite scanning ( Photography thru LISP ).For every move you make these days you be sure you are backed up by your companies & the Competing /existing market information update else you find yourself?: being mercilessly slaughtered down?/ taken out of the race if you are moving at your pace .
ARTICLE ON: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (M.I.S) and its Relation with Market Research ?Written??on in: 16-7-1994 – re-released on 24-10-1996->>> being upgraded with AI>>>><<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>??
By |Ranjit Zacharia|-|[email protected] |watsapp/mob:+97455627979|<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
???? Content Creation, Business Startups Management, Market Research/Intelligence/Company Reports, Outsourcing, Event Management, Business Consultancy.
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