Corporate Communication
Well according to me I have started understanding the tit bits of corporate world aka the industrial sector. The first thing that I analysed after coming to the industry was the hierarchical structure that exists within the organisation.
The communication in the corporate world can be seen as a twenty story building. Suppose you are on the middle floor,let us assume 10th and standing in the balcony. The number of people decreases as you go up. The top floor is occupied by just one person while the bottom floor is occupied by hordes of people. Now imagine a person on eleventh floor (say your boss) yells something and drops a few documents. You catch them being careful not to let them flutter away in the wind, and take them back inside to read. There is some good stuff in there, and you carefully parse out a few bits that you think the people on the ninth floor should see, given the carefully pre-scripted boundaries of their jobs.So now after performing this parsing ritual you go back to the balcony and drop a sheet here and a paragraph there to your team below, who consume it as if they were it was cold water being offered to the thirsty souls in summers. When they are done they would perform the same ritual for the thirsty souls on eight floor. And there the person on eleventh floor starts the process once again. And who knows what the person on the 20th floor is actually doing.
Source- How Google Works?
So what do we understand out of this...Well that in the corporate world the source to power is hoarding of information. The person on the tenth floor gives the information that he finds relevant for the people on 9th floor other wise if he knows everything he might actually come to his floor or even cross him.
So now the biggest question that comes into picture is that you have hired the people to work or you have hired them to think. If the people are just supposed to be doing mechanical tasks and work according to the instructions offered to them in that case the system could work well. However if we have brought in the people to think then we need to share complete information with them so that they know what is happening across the company. People cannot be fooled in that case by just beating about the bush because if everyone has the knowledge then they would be able to catch that and if that is not the case then you need to change your staff.
So now we need to understand what does sharing everything literally means it does not mean that your board rooms should consist of the all the employees of the company but still most of the targets and aims of the company must be clear to all.
We just need to see that we actually understand the meaning of the term that "Decisions are taken in consensus" and then depending upon the company we need to devise a system that suites you and your company in order to implement that.