Corp Media. How it will end America.
We watch the usual talking heads proclaiming a perspective that is uniquely friendly to Donald Trump. They switched their perspective, turning on a dime after Biden was introduced on a debate stage. It was as if the media had been handed the new bright Red bunting for their "newsrooms". They began to report on the "problem" that the country had with Joe Biden.
I noticed this with CNN. They suddenly turned 180 degrees about to oppose Biden's presidency. Whose perspective were they voicing when they did that? The Vanderbilt (the family not the university) descended host of their primetime program, or did it come from higher up? The head of Time Warner, a major shareholder in CNN, who recently informed the public that he didn't care who was elected president, so long as they were "business friendly". One must wonder if there is any connection between this proclamation and CNN's transformative decision to function as a Trump friendly network before we got too close to the election.
It seems that no matter how certifiable Donald Trump may be, no matter how damaging his agenda promises to be for the country, no matter how bizarre his speech on racial matters, corporate media gives him a pass and ignores his proclamations. Even MSNBC has been blasting the public with proclamations from politicians that insist that Biden has no future in the presidency. I have to wonder when Trump got the free ride that these networks, including MSNBC, have been providing.
On CNN it was as if a switch had been thrown. No one mentioned a word about Trump's refusal to answer questions. They denied their failure to call Trump on his lies. No one spoke of Project 2025, a plan for America that will surely reduce it to a place where jackboots are the most common footwear on the streets and whose upcoming Republican Convention is sponsored by the Republican propagandists who developed Project 2025. No one mentioned the madness that a discussion of golf scores during a nationally televised political debate reflected, undoubtedly an artifact of Trump's ego.
We have all seen what the supreme court has done to transform the presidency into a modern monarchy. That in itself is absolute madness. Should Biden appoint more justices to the court to offset the five who voted for this recent transformation of the presidency and the nation? Should he do it on short notice and without concern for pre-appointment approval taking advantage of the powers the court has granted him and ignoring the law? Something along those lines may be required at this point to prevent the United States from not only having a felon as its president, but also a madman. I say "may be" because we have ceased to be a nation with a free press, and trust me, corporate media is no free press.
Those in the corporate media who insist that it is the public that is selling out to Trump, if only by their insistence that they are doing no damage to Biden through their actions and are, in fact, only giving Democrats their say in the national media are following Trump's example and telling lies. Yes, they are letting Democrats have their say...about 17 Democrats who oppose Biden are getting their say again, and again, and again.
Those 17 voices are being heard ad absurdam. The other Democrats, the hundreds of them in Congress, who are still supporting Biden, are being silenced. The corporate media is not presenting two, equal sides of the democratic party. They are supporting one, small, biased group of grandstanders who are eager to be heard in the national media. In effect, the corporate media is splitting the democratic party and driving an ever widening wedge into its effort to again gain the presidency.
Where are these supporters of Donald Trump coming from? Obviously there is the usual group of crazies who will vote for anyone so long as he promises to support their anti-social agendas. There are also wealthy oilmen and their wives who may support Trump, hoping to get their share of the Five Trillion dollar tax cut and the record profits that Trump's policies will bestow on their industry. Still, the vast majority of Americans will not benefit from a Trump presidency. His tax cuts have and will benefit the wealthiest one percent of the country.
His actions may destroy the environment and produce health problems for millions at the bottom of the economic ladder who will be forced to breathe the added CO2 and lie awake in the middle of the super-heated summer nights that global warming will create, but what is that to Trump? Trump simply denies that global warming exists. Of course, we all know that he is oh so wrong. If you have lived from near mid-20th-century to the present in the Midwest, you should know that declining snowfalls in the winter in the Midwest provide an alternate truth.
Biden has a demonstrated record of building the economy of the United States, and of not compromising on environmental issues as he does so. This has not hurt big business. Records set by Wall Street in recent years prove this. Trump would happily encourage forest fires if he thought it might make a corporation wealthier, so long as his own home were not too close to those fires.
Biden has a unique knowledge of the history of U.S. foreign policy. He has seen what works and what doesn't. With the war in Ukraine and potential for war over Taiwan, that is exactly what this country now needs, not the poor excuse for a statesman that we have in Trump. Trump has promised to end the Ukraine war "in a day", perhaps because his capacity to see any other future is obstructed beyond such a minimal interval, or because he knows his supporters can grasp only the most simplistic of explanations. Does it comprise a sound bite? Great...then run with it. Sound like Trump? Are there other examples of Trump taking the easy way out? How many times has he resorted to bankruptcy to solve his own problems? Trump is clearly no business genius.
We have, in Mr. Trump, a certifiable madman who spouts lies endlessly and seems to be supported by corporate media and an insane segment of the public. Would the last exist if it weren't for the former? If they were not led to believe that corporate media is credible, and that it finds Mr. Trump credible, would they flock to Trump's side in this election? I am absolutely amazed that there are those among the public who are willing to entrust this nation over the next four years to a convicted felon.
We've seen Mr. Trump discourage the passage of an immigration bill that would have ended the problem at the Mexican border because he wanted this as an issue that he could use to encourage his supporters, so he hurt the country for his own benefit, and certainly not for the first time. We've seen Project 2025 as a plan to subvert the legal rights of Americans all for Trump's benefit, after all, what would be better for the Republicans than to end future elections in the United States with their guy in office?
When did the U.S. go so very mad?