Coronavirus: Update
“The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing.” - Walt Disney
I love this quote because I feel like it applies to the majority of the population, myself included at times. Everybody has an idea but most won't even try to see if it'll work.
“I want to start this but I don't know how”, “I have an idea but I don’t have money”, any excuse you want to come up with is indeed just an excuse.
We carry devices in our pocket that have more computing power than the first rocket that went to space. You can start a business off that device for practically no money. You can access any information and practically anybody.
There is no excuse to not be at least trying things. Try and fail. Repeat that over and over again. That's the only way you are going to know what works and what doesn't and I'm not in the business of playing what if games anymore so I am going to do everything I can.
And the beauty about these times is regardless of what you are passionate about, there is an audience for it, and you have the ability to access that audience. And It's time to take advantage.
Weekly Market News
Now let's talk about the elephant in the room, the coronavirus. And what it has done to the world economy and most recently the US stock market.
- February 10th, Dow Jones hits $29,551.42. Today, March 1st it sits at $25,409.36. Down over 4000 points in less than 3 weeks.
- S&P 500 down over 400 points to $2,954.22.
We have seen the coronavirus spread like wildfire halting production in some regions, halting travel, and now it's in the U.S. In my opinion all signs are pointing towards a recession. I am completely out of the stock market for the time being and only trading currencies. The markets are nervous and I just want to steer clear of it all for now and keep an eye on things.
There is a silver lining in a possible recession however. Historically, the markets have recovered quickly after a virus induced recession.
So my plan is to pay close attention to what's happening with the virus and watching the markets closely and hopping back in the market at new lows and profit off the recovery of the markets.
The current death rate is reported at 1.4%, however it is believed to be even lower than that due to many mild cases of coronavirus that were not reported.
Over 89000 cases globally and now 88 cases in the US which most of them come from people who traveled abroad.
One number which is promising and not been reported in any media is that of those 89,788 cases, well over 44,000 of them have already recovered. So while this will continue to spread and the markets will more than likely continue to panic and plummet, this isn't panning out to be this pandemic that's going to kill an astronomical amount of people. But it will slow business, trade, and overall the flow of money. And the markets will continue to take hits.
Stock Picks of the Week
I'm not really going to be doing stock picks this week rather a stocks watch because I am out of the market and don't feel comfortable even giving advice in a bearish market. But I will say this, we are typically in a time where doubling down as the price decreases can be beneficial with this potentially being a shorter recovery time. But if you chose this route just make sure you are ok stomaching the red days. I just know myself personally and I am much more at ease just having liquidity ready to buy back in. Stocks I will be watching closely during this time are:
- Apple which is currently down to $273.26 from its 52 week high of $327.85,
- Tesla down to $667.99 from its 52 week high of $968.99
- Virgin Galactic is down to $24.60 from its high of $42.49
- Verizon down to $54.16 from its high of $62.22
- Exxon which is down to $51.44 from its high of $83.49
- Peloton down to $26.69 from its high of $37.02
These are all stocks I have been trading options on lately and have all taken large hits to its share prices so I will be watching closely to hop back in at a good time. Thinking about the end of April or so but that all depends on how the coronavirus pans out. But I will close by saying the next few weeks or months are completely unpredictable so proceed with extreme caution and don't get greedy in times like these. I'm optimistic that the coronavirus will come and go in a matter of months and hopefully we start to see a recovery around May.
Investment Idea of the Week
My only advice for this week is to pullback and prepare. Save save save. You will thank yourself later. The future is uncertain and the smartest thing to do is to be prepared. This allows you to be calm during a time of panic, steps ahead of the game and ready to capitalize off the market recovery.
Personally, I will just be stashing any spare cash in a savings account for the time being and staying out of the stock market. I will continue to trade forex and run the AI trading software which is currently up 27.2% on the month and has had an 82% win rate.
This Week’s Extra: 6 Things to Do With Your Tax Return
Since it’s tax return time, the EXTRA for today is 6 things to do with your tax return... instead of blowing it on ridiculous purchases.
- Pay off debt
If you have any debt, laser focus on making it your number one goal to pay it off. You can never be financially free with debt hanging over your head.
2. Prepare for retirement
Odds are your company doesn’t offer a pension plan. And if you ever want to stop working, you should start planning for the future now. Put the money in your retirement fund. If you don't have one, start one. You will thank yourself for starting early.
3. Invest in an index fund
An index fund is a type of mutual fund that is constructed to match or track the components of a financial market. This helps in diversifying and historically has solid returns.
4. Put it in an emergency fund
Either cash spread out in various hiding places or maybe a separate savings account just for emergencies.
5. Invest in yourself
A skill you want to learn? Invest in a course, certification, class, whatever it may be. But investing money in yourself is just as good as any investment in my opinion.
6. Save for your next vacation
I know this doesn't sound like a quote on quote smart investment. But it is. You have to relax and take breaks. Take at least one nice vacation a year if possible. More if you can.
And that's it from me this week guys, I really appreciate you tuning in and I hope you guys have a great week.
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Stay tuned for a new Smart Money Mornings every Monday.
*Picture from NY Times.
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5 年This is awesome Ben!!?