Coronavirus: Mask OFF! The POWER of Your Words!

Coronavirus: Mask OFF! The POWER of Your Words!

Canned Wisdom to Help You Reflect on Life Enthusiastically

Our thoughts are super sturdy and provide the machinery through which we manifest our surroundings. Three questions come to my mind; What are we thinking? What are we creating? What are the results? As the world keeps repeating the same negative messages and spreading fear of the pandemic, the outcome will be the replica of what we are thinking all day long. The US and European countries, once considered to be the superpowers, are now also succumbing to their thought processes. We are far from spreading good thoughts of the health and well-being of our neighbors. We are fearful of each other and have limited trust in what and who should surround us. The “horse ass” is now afraid of “shithole” countries. And the “shithole” countries want nothing from the damn “ass” countries. What is the problem with our thinking as humanity? Why should our thoughts be entangled to the point where we cannot think for ourselves? Can we stop for a moment to allow our thoughts to be guided by that inner power within each of us? Where are the spiritual and knowledge leaders when we need them at this crucial time?

This blog is about you and your thoughts and how you can change them and therefore change your life. Fearing COVID-19 is not the answer. Spreading feelings of fear and condemnation is not a solution either. Criticizing and complaining about the virus response does not add anything positive to the outcome we want. James Allen, in his book, “As a Man Thinketh,” said that thought is spiritual and therefore creative and will correlate with its object and bring it to manifestation. (Some call this the law of attraction). James Allen postulated that we are a sum total of our thoughts, and we are what we think all day long. Consequently, in our own unique individual worlds, of which we are the center, we want to bring forth new conditions, always in advance of any that have gone before. The question is then, “how do I do that?” or “how do we do that?”

We will explore three ways we can change our thoughts to allow our immediate and external environment to be free of mental pollution. Mental pollution comes from our unguarded negative thoughts that we transform into words, which in turn are transformed into actions, habits, character, and eventually our destiny. Mental pollution, in my opinion, is more tragic than environmental pollution. It is the unfortunate essence of our failure to acknowledge the harmful effects of unwanted thoughts. William Shakespeare said it too well, “Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.” Unguarded words like; “that’s coronavirus talking,”?“blame it on Coronavirus,” “filthy dirty animal places, what do you expect,” “we have always lived closely together, this virus is not for us,” “they spit everywhere, not us,” “people are scared to death,”; carry a powerful message that transforms itself into effects of various forms that end up in our immediate surrounding. I am suggesting three viable ways to overcome the insatiable power to overthink and think fearfully about the pandemic facing us. These are eliminating fear from our thoughts, embracing the science of mental and physical health, and embracing spiritual leadership. These three keys will unlock the power for universal peace, love, health, joy, and brotherhood needed in the current times. Additionally, these keys will move us from destructive thinking to correct thinking, which is the source of all good.

Eliminating Fear

Fear of anything or anyone paralyzes our ability to think calmly, clearly, decisively, deliberately, and objectively. Fear affects the entire being paralyzing the nerve centers, which in turn affects the circulation of blood, and in turn, paralyzing the muscular system. Fear is spread in many ways around us. I am not against listening to the news, however, if the constant message being broadcasted does not add value to what you already know, turn off the instrument. This is especially more important for the growing minds within your household. Avoid reading any news or information that is telling you that the world is coming to an end. The world we live in is wonderful and we are lovely spiritual beings. Don’t call your parents, friends, and coworkers to regurgitate what they already know. Instead, call them to say you are calling to surround them with love, peace, and blessings for the day. If they start talking about Coronavirus, remind them gently that “let us unite in love and peace to conquer what is rightfully ours, perfect health and harmony.” Read stories of courage to your children. Encourage your teenagers and young adults not to spread news or views that are not evidence-based.?Ask, “What is the source for that information, Vannessah?” We must also remind ourselves to use the force of conscience amicably, which should keep down all vain and unbecoming thoughts which might intrude in the aforementioned periods. This will allow our words and actions to ascend unpolluted to the throne of grace. Be open and willing to allow yourself to receive the thoughts and ideas written here. Fear can be eliminated by an understanding and recognition of the true source of all power.

Restoring your Physical and Mental Health

We are “not fighting Coronavirus” we are striving to conquer this pandemic. All those headline news that are “fighting” a “war against Coronavirus” ought to be discarded to eternity. Listening to non-humorous songs about “let us fight the virus” is detrimental. We cannot fight effects with effects. I am sure if Mother Teresa were alive today, she would not join “your fight.” Thank you, she would say. I am sure Nelson Mandela would caution the “fight” business by encouraging a thoughtful look into why a “war” is not necessary to get a solemn and sober solution to the current situation. Wallace Wattles in his book, “The Science of Being Well”, indicated that there is a thinking substance, from which all things are made, and which in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought. Man can form things in his thoughts and by impressing his thoughts upon the formless substance, can cause the thing he thinks about to be created. These are powerful words for us to contemplate. Why? If we desire health and well-being, we should think thoughts of health, a desire for peace comes with thoughts of peace, and harmony comes with harboring harmonious thoughts about ourselves, our neighbors, and the world. For application, if you can go out for walks or runs outside, do it. It is a good way to refresh your physical and mental faculties. Speak positively and avoid any form of complaining, condemning, or criticizing anything, anyone, or Coronavirus. Thank you in advance. Teach that to your kids and your next-door neighbor who knows everything that you don’t. Above all, remember that mental hygiene supersedes hand hygiene. Mental hygiene includes eliminating thoughts of fear, care, worry, anxiety, hatred, or similar thoughts that tend to cause the various forms of inflammation, nervousness, paralysis, and diseased conditions. Your mental house cleaning every moment will create a pollution-free environment and world. Imagine that for a moment and choose to embrace it.

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Embrace Spiritual Leadership

Our business in life is thinking. I wish I could say otherwise; however, I would be lying to you and myself. We need leaders who can show us how to think for ourselves, and who role model the art of thinking as the most needed business of humanity. We do not need to hear that a select few do ninety-nine percent of our thinking. Spiritual leadership has nothing whatsoever to do with religion. What is spiritual leadership, and who are spiritual leaders? Spiritual leadership is an approach to leadership that integrates a leader’s inner perspective as the foundation for inspiring the practice of thought change. Spiritual leaders help individuals to unleash this inner power by encouraging critical and creative thinking. Spiritual leaders are characterized by a deep respect for values, beliefs, behavior, and attitudes that drive the well-being of individuals and organizations. To conquer the fear that is eroding the ability of citizens to trust the system and its ability to provide solutions about the current pandemic requires spiritual leadership. Spiritual leaders (presidents, kings, prime ministers, governors, senators, clergy, and anyone in a leadership role) can help spread a message of love and unity in the country and the world. Together, WE can conquer the fear brought by this pandemic and create a world free of doubt, despair, and darkness. Spiritual leaders should be instruments of spreading peace, faith, hope, and light that is needed now.

In summary, may I remind all (whether you know it or not) that within each individual are infinite powers seeking development, unfoldment, and self-expression. May these powers be brought into action to serve the right purpose within us instead of against us, enthusiastically and urgently. Charles Haanel, in his book, “The Master Key”, reminds us that the mind is the gatekeeper for the consciousness in the objective world. This consciousness is spiritual and, therefore, creative. This infinite creative power is impersonal, and our ability to think is our inherent opportunity to use this power for our benefit and the benefit of others. We need to have clean, pure, and positive thoughts, words, actions, and habits to create a beautiful world and destiny. Remember, this world is a thing of life and infinite beauty, nurture thoughts that will tend to sprout and grow to your liking.

About the Author

Priscilla Gathoni?is an author, coach, mentor, skilled facilitator, inspirational, and motivational speaker. As an author, her papers have been featured in the PharmaSUG, SESUG, and CDISC global conferences.?Priscilla holds a Doctor of Management/Business Administration degree from the University of Maryland, Global Campus (UMGC). Her research interests include evidence-based decision-making, organizational culture, spiritual leadership, and knowledge leadership.

?Priscilla Gathoni.?This article is available under the ORCID? This ORCID permits non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.?

We are exactly the replica of what we are thinking and what we are thinking spills over into others, our relatives, colleagues, friends, family…. Do not allow our emotions to sabotage our performance, disrupt our action and compromise our very integrity. This blog helps us to immunize ourselves against the debilitating effects of fear. It encourages us to stop and think, to re-appraise the situation and regain our perspective and composure. Remember that man is not troubled by events but rather how he interprets them…. May our infinite powers be brought into action to appraise every endeavor with positive mind-set, enthusiasm and confidence-building attitude. Let our power unlock creativity, build team cohesion and develop long-term resilience. No matter the pressure situation we face, optimism, tenacity and enthusiasm protect us from any injurious effects.


Dr. Priscilla Gathoni, DM, MSc, MBA, GHMGC的更多文章

