Coronavirus: Solace in the Face of a Pandemic
via: the CDC

Coronavirus: Solace in the Face of a Pandemic

The Corona virus pandemic of 2020 is one for the books; historic for many reasons. It’s a viral outbreak of epic proportions and it’s brought the world to its knees. As both a new mother and a doctor, I too have feelings of angst which I must allay with rational thought and action. Although the risk, dangers, and effects are very real, and undoubtedly still spreading at a dangerous rate, my primary concern is to protect my newborn and my family. Keeping this in mind, I make sure to rely only on truth, and facts from reliable sources.

Though it initially appeared that the novel virus impacted certain populations over others (the elderly, as opposed to the young), we've seen over time that no age group has been spared from affliction. In fact, even tigers at the Bronx Zoo have been infected by human carriers (not to worry pet lovers! So far, there are no cases of pets or animals infecting humans, other than the suspected, initial outbreak at a wildlife market in Wuhan, China. While there are 2 cats in New York that have tested positive for Covid-19, "...there is no evidence that pets play a role in spreading the virus in the United States".).

It’s still, however, of the utmost importance to continue practicing social distancing to help slow the spread. The most vulnerable groups continue to be individuals over the age of 65, smokers, and those who have chronic conditions, such as diabetes, or weakened hearts or lungs. Living in densely-populated areas like New York City (which has been called the epicenter of the outbreak), also greatly heightens the risk of contraction. So, as much as possible…stay home, and stay safe!

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Preventing the spread of Coronavirus is, unquestionably, our social responsibility, and we should all be doing everything we can to #FlattenTheCurve. Some simple things we can be doing to prevent the spread of all viruses, including Coronavirus, are consistent and thorough hand washing, coughing and sneezing into tissues or elbows, and the faithful wiping down of counters and surfaces where contact and touch are frequent (doorknobs, light switches, faucets, remotes, etc.).

I'll be posting graphics and videos as resources across my Social Media accounts highlighting these steps, and I highly encourage all of my friends and colleagues to share the content. By sharing accurate, and reliable information, we can be safer and attempt to #FlattenTheCurve together. I’ll be citing the CDC and I encourage you to base your actions on the recommendations of credible sources in order to avoid the spread of both disease and misinformation. An easy way to do this is to follow my new LinkedIn Company Page to get the latest updates on COVID-19. This page features both original, and specifically-chosen, curated content you'll want to see, all in one place.

I advocate for health insurance all the time, but I can’t think of a better time or situation where nothing is more important than your health and wellness. Amidst this crisis, as our health systems are attempting to carry the burden of a global viral outbreak, please make sure that you have the appropriate health coverage you need.

If you're uninsured and just don’t know what to do, which plan may be right for you, or what you can even afford, please reach out to me to schedule a FREE consultation. Health insurance coverage and laws change all the time. It’s my job to keep up with the latest updates so you don’t have to. Check out the graphic below to see if you live in a state where I’m licensed, and reach out today so that I can help you navigate your best options with one quick call.

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Don’t forget to follow my LinkedIn Company Page for the latest news and tips on COVID-19, health insurance, health and wellbeing, parenting, and other healthcare issues.

Lastly, I encourage you to be vigilant! Always note the source of your information to ensure you're following facts, and be diligent to avoid misinformation. Your life could depend on it.

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Let's discuss your healthcare options. If your state is listed above, schedule your FREE Consultation today, and get the coverage you need for a healthier tomorrow.


Noor A Ali, MBBS, MPH的更多文章

