I have been watching information about the new pandemic on the internet and the media for a long time.
In most of them, thermal imaging is shown as one of the basic tools for detecting elevated human body temperature (mainly airports and border crossings). I regret to say that if camera users do research as shown in the pictures, the effect will be the same (see mediocre) as during previous pandemics.
There are ISO standards that tell you what cameras should be used, how to check them, and suggestions on how to perform tests to achieve the best results. Because it is in our common interest that the disease does not spread on a huge scale, I decided to write these few words hoping that maybe we can recall the basic principles and cause that the pictures show the correct procedures and not what they have been hitherto:
1.the camera must have at least 240x180 pixels
2. sensitivity and stability should be the best
3.the camera should be turned on min 1 hour before the first measurement (best turned on permanently to make the electronics stable)
4. Human skin emissivity set to 0.98
5. The subject's face is directed straight at the camera !!!! (photos at an angle are bad)
6. The face should occupy 80% of the thermogram / monitor
7. The tearful cells of the eyes should be examined because they best reflect the human body temperature, i.e. fever
8. No mask on the face, because exhaling air we heat our eye sockets
9. no glasses because they cover the eye sockets
10. baseline should be an average of up to 10 healthy patients.
Years ago, a lot of research was done, many people were detained but an almost zero result was achieved. Cameras blamed, but test method was bad! Let us not make such mistakes anymore.
A photo taken too far can reduce the temperature being read min > 0.5 ° C
Pawe? Rutkowski