Coronavirus – the new wave
Disappointing to realise that the Covid-19 crisis is not the most serious pandemic we must now endure. In almost every corner of the globe, something far more contagious - and even more insidious - is now raising its ugly head … stupidity!
The ill-conceived actions of activists (many of whom are either too immature, ignorant, or uncaring to really understand or believe in the genuine cause they profess to be supporting) beggars belief. Yes, we must defend our right to freedom of speech and expression, but not at all costs.
At such a critical time as this, to defy well-considered medical advice and show such blatant disregard for the health and safety of our fellow human beings with these public gatherings is pathetic … it borders on treachery. To extend it to the wilful destruction and looting of property is nothing short of criminal. The only thing being effectively demonstrated here with this exhibition of civil disobedience is the recklessness and irresponsibility of those involved.
If only they were smart enough to realise that the lawlessness of their actions completely undermines the rationale of their protest and evokes even more determined resistance to their cause. Their riotous behaviour is completely overturning their legitimacy … ironically exacerbating the very divisiveness and discrimination that they are (so rightly) decrying, but are (so sadly) sensationalising.
Meanwhile, innocent individuals are being penalised, families are being dismembered, businesses are being crippled, and governments are being disarmed. Irrespective of race, colour, denomination, size, shape, or gender we are all entitled to respect, and this is surely no way to show it to each other! Please, let's put an end to it right now!
This display of outright anarchy surely disproves the theory that human beings are the smartest species in the Animal Kingdom. The herds of sheep and tribes of goats around this planet must be laughing at us … shaking their heads in disbelief!