#Coronavirus #selfisolate #advice #toiletrolls #BRW #toiletpaper #infection #apocalypse #forall #borisjohnson #defensive #climatchange #eeek #bonkers
I must now declare the Real Reason for the huge rush in toilet rolls. Vast stacks of them are being bought out by a select few members of our society, and everyone is laughing. But now I can reveal The Truth.
Toilet Rolls make an excellent barrier against infection from Coronavirus. Properly constructed a suitable wall of toilet paper makes an exceptional defensive shield for you and your family. The density and porosity of the Great Wall of Paper works as a fully-functional filter for All Known Particulate Matter, including the global nightmare apocalypse plague CORONAVIRUS-of-DOOM.
Here is the solution to all your worries. Worried about the lack of paper rolls? Now you know the truth.