The Coronavirus Just Revealed A Dark Truth About Our Society (And It’s Hurting All Of Us)
In three short months, the world was thrown into chaos because of a novel coronavirus.
Which is shocking…because the statement above is simply not true.
What Really Caused Our Global Pan(dem)ic
As you’ve no doubt read by now, the coronavirus has revealed a dark truth about our society:
Our society operates from a mindset of fear.
The pandemic of fear has spread much faster, with more devastating effects, than the actual COVID-19 virus.
And this is bad, but not because it’s disappointing to see that humans, en masse, can succumb to herd mentality.
Instead, the rapid spread of global fear is bad because it shows a grave weakness in the world’s leadership.
While the leaders of the world should have been brutally honest throughout this ordeal, instead they have failed us by being too optimistic, too pessimistic, or simply uninformed.
Here’s Why Honesty Is The Root Of This Problem
Any leader worth their salary knows that a society will panic unless they’re carefully spoon-fed the facts, along with context for those facts, to allay fear.
We have organizations set up to lead in a crisis like this, including the WHO and the CDC. But those voices were drowned out by presidents, governors, and next-door neighbors on Facebook, all of whom decided to be fountains of information on the virus.
That caused mass confusion, and people began to assume the worst.
No one should be surprised by this psychological phenomenon.
And yet, our society’s leader never got together to ask themselves, “hey…which information should we share, when, how, and from whom?”
If You Want To Be A True Leader, Learn About The Power of Framing
In my upcoming book I talk a lot about the power of framing, which describes how you present facts.
Imagine if our society’s leaders had come together as soon as we realized the virus would land on U.S. soil, and put out one game plan, one set of guidelines, and one central location for all coronavirus-related information.
No conspiracy theories.
No panic.
Just facts.
Is this so difficult to do?
The savvy among you might decry, “but who, Peter, who will control this master plan of information??”
We have people for that. They’re called “commissioners of public health,” whose job it is to take care of the public’s health (duh).
Not presidents, not folks in congress, not governors (those elected officials have other agendas, you know…).
And that’s the point: Allowing anyone with a secondary agenda to control public information will naturally lead to mass confusion as people jockey to control the flow of information.
Perhaps we’ll learn from this, because every time we get into an informational apocalypse like this, it degrades public confidence more and more.
One day, the boy will cry wolf and we won’t even hear it. That’s when I’ll really be scared.
Hey there! Thanks for reading :-)
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If you want to learn more about being honest with your community, the people around you, and yourself, pick up a pre-order copy of Honest to Greatness here.
And remember…stay healthy!