Coronavirus – The Impact on the Homeless
Our homeless at risk

Coronavirus – The Impact on the Homeless

As all of our lives have been affected by the coronavirus, we are all taking appropriate measures to protect our families. Scrambling to gather water and life’s little necessities, In doing so, I forgot about our nation’s most vulnerable class, the homeless. How is the coronavirus affecting the homeless? It wasn’t until I heard a news broadcast about the homeless; my eyes were opened to the terrible possibilities they may face. You may be asking telling yourself, “I feel sorry for them, but what does that have to do with me?” Allowing the coronavirus to spread across our homeless communities will only give it strength and add to the infection rate, thus endangering our health and the health of our children.  

It’s the little things that matter.

For many of us, small things like having food and shelter are just a given. In fact, we seldom contemplate not having it. For me, experiencing the coronavirus pandemic paints a vivid picture of how important a luxury such as having a roof over my head is. How many of us have stopped to think that the ability to self-isolate is a luxury? The homeless do not have this option. In shelters, beds are sometimes only six inches apart, rendering social distancing an impossibility. We are told if we are experiencing symptoms to stay home and self-isolate. We are encouraged to work remotely. Again this is an impossibility for America’s poor, the homeless. According to a recent count from the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, over 560,000 Americans were

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