Coronavirus - How Can We Help Each Other
As a business owner what plans do you have in place to protect yourselves from the potential impact of this virus on the day the Government have announced a change to Statutory Sick Pay being from day one instead of day four.
We all have a duty of care to ourselves and others and this virus is gathering pace with none of us knowing where it will end to the point the Government are implementing new procedures and monitoring gatherings of people.
Business continuity is important for the economy and the most important part of any business is the people in it so we all need to reduce risks, look at what we can do to reduce known risk and protect people.
Below are some procedures which could help you reduce your risk of losing people for 2-weeks whilst they are in self-isolation, loss of production and, missed deadlines. Hopefully these will help you but if you need to discuss how to look at your processes feel free to contact us to discuss further.
1. Put posters on display reminding everyone to thoroughly wash their hands after going toilet.
2. Put sanitiser dispensers out so people are encouraged to use them.
3. Provide boxes of tissues so they can catch it, bin it instead of sneezing and spreading germs.
4. Reduce the need for travel by looking at technology i.e. could your meetings be via Skype or conference calls so people aren’t travelling and meeting in a meeting room.
5. Are there any non-urgent meetings or tasks that can be delayed for a few weeks.
6. Do your employees have conferences booked if so can these be postponed to a later date.
7. Can any courses they are booked on be delayed for a few weeks.
8. Do you have anyone who is higher risk due to existing health issues. If so have you spoken to them and carried out a personal risk assessment or, asked them to work from home or, self-isolate.