Coronavirus: Free reading resources to help schools and parents during these uncertain times.
One Education Ltd
Empowering school leadership teams to enhance the quality of education for young people.
As schools face uncertain times with the new Coronavirus, COVID-19, we wanted to try and ease the burden a little so that your children can still access high quality reading materials in the resources packs that many of you are making ahead of potential school closures.
Our approach to the teaching of Reading is explained in our two-part blogs:
This approach explores the skills needed to be a successful reader. We have written a range of questions for each year group to accompany extracts from high quality text downloaded from
We would advise you suggest to parents that, for younger children, it would be beneficial to read the extract to their children before they answer the question.
Along with the resources, we have included:
- Our Reading Gem Question Stems, used on our popular reading training.
- A booklet of activities that schools can send home to give parents ways to practice different reading skills.
- Peters ‘Top 100 book lists’ for each year group which may be a good resource for you to also provide parents with.
We are here to help you so that you can focus on ensuring your children stay positive, happy and build resilience to dealing with uncertainty. Whilst advice is changing daily, please remember that if you need help with anything then please do not hesitate to contact us and, across our services, we will try our best to support you.
Take a look at the resources from Reception to Year 6 on our website.