Coronavirus: Finding Ways to Give Back to the Philadelphia Community
During these challenging times, it is essential that we support our community. Our agents and staff at SCOPE put together some resources if you are looking to help our Philadelphia neighbors:
Social distance to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Donate blood through the Red Cross or Jefferson University Hospitals.
Support small businesses and local restaurants through online shopping, ordering delivery or purchasing gift cards for future use.
Deliver groceries or meals to seniors or those who are at higher risk for the virus. A few of the many organizations that need help are: Kleinlife, MANNA, and Philadelphia Corporation for Aging. Remember to limit exposure by practicing good hygiene, keeping safe social distances and sanitizing surfaces.
Donate your professional skills and time by assisting a Philadelphia nonprofit organization. PhilaFound.Org Key Skills Hub matches professionals to nonprofits who are in need of consultation or critical projects that they lack the resources to implement.
Foster a homeless animal and support local animal welfare organizations such as ACCT Philly, PAWS, SPCA, Providence Animal Center, and many others.
Conduct mock interviews and help those who will need to reenter the workforce. The Rise Initiative connects inspiring young adults with professionals to provide valuable feedback on interviewing skills.
Ensure individuals and families have access to food by supporting Philabundance, the largest hunger relief organization in the Delaware Valley. You can buy meals for families, sign up for a shift to volunteer, or hold a virtual food drive.
Provide critical items to healthcare workers including face masks, gowns, eye protection or face shields, gloves and swabs. The City of Philadelphia is collecting personal protective equipment through this form. Jefferson, Temple Health and Penn Medicine are also accepting donations.
Additional volunteering opportunities can be found here.
We will be doing our part to continue to be a resource for our clients as well as our community.