The Coronavirus diseases outbreak and the 'environmental fallowing' thoughts
Dr. Juliet Katusiime Zizinga???
Environmental/Capacity Development & Research/Programs Management, Monitoring and Evaluation/ Institutional Leadership
The Novel Coronavirus Diseases (#COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ((SARS-CoV-2) broke out in the City of Wuhan -China at the end of 2019. As of March 2020, it has spread across the largest part of the world. The devastating rate of infection has travels, events, meetings, work, schools, cities and country borders suspended or closed until further notice. Masses are currently advised to self-isolate, self-distance and stay in indoors to ensure monitoring to control the spread and flatten the curve. This global catastrophe has resulted in remarkable adaptive measures being promoted like online working, and every discipline finding out how to connect with the situation.
So far,
Some #environmentalists have displayed images of the short-term observations and results of this forced ‘environmental fallowing’, from the abandoned parks, clean flowing water channels, unpopulated streets, the emission rid skies and the willing- to- listen to scientists’ politicians. Some have wondered what this unplanned disruption of the world’s attention will cost us to get back the momentum earlier created, especially around #climatechange agreements and resolutions. Adding to the potential effects of economic and welfare setbacks (one of the pillars of sustainable development) projected.
The 'environmental fallowing' happening may not relate with the definition of sustainable development, because it could be limiting the current generation to meet their needs and equally sabotaging the future generations, but it is an opportunity. Fallowing is a term used to refer to land left to rest and regain its quality. I coin it as a better fit to explain the situation which can't be defined as conservation or preservation. Thus, this period where the environment is being less utilized looks like a fallow. A time to think about the restoration concept, analyse its possibility, cost and time requirement. We can ask more questions about changes as well, for instance, how long does a locked-down city take to recover from emissions? Well-founded research could recommend ‘environmental fallowing’ strategies for the future. We had assumed it impossible to halt some sections of living, as life continues.
While we have always known how interconnected we are as human beings and the world, the COVID-19 has highlighted certain aspects of the interconnectivity, like the rate of digital awareness and interconnectivity. It is so certain we are living the pain in Italy, digitally, the spread of the virus from Wuhan city physically, and the cancellations and economic lockdown in our pockets financially and Psychologically. We have witnessed most, if not all political integration and nationalistic attempts in the same period. Understanding the different dimensions of integrated, the speed and rate in integration, the negative and positive effects of integration. The case builds on the discussion of the integrated, ecosystem-based, landscape approaches.
The role of #temperature is significant in influencing and determining environmental aspects. Temperature plays a significant role, from determining the geographical location of icebergs, climate changes, to the concentration of micro-organisms like bacteria and virus. A recent study (not peer-reviewed)indicates how high temperatures and humidity slow down the potential spread of the Coronavirus. Could this partly relate to the relatively slower spread of the virus in tropical Africa? We still have questions on how the environment has contributed to the dynamics of this epidemic and what we need to know for preparedness.
We have been told, first things first. Washing hands as often and practising hygiene. What is still central in the prevention measures, is the place of water. #Water could indeed be life, but the recommendation to expose patients with mild Covid-19 to fresh air ventilation, as an in- house management measure, is a kind reminder to ensure our environment is fresh, clean and oxygenated( One of the fears due to the rapid spread is the number of cases surpassing available, costly medical ventilators to save lives. The idea of nature-based solutions to environmental conservation is now linked to the entire scope of human life. (A read about nature-based solutions
Information is power. So far, most of the innovations during this period are regarding a vaccine, spreading awareness, staying connected and facilitating continuity. We can see a proliferation of applications and technologies to facilitate information, self-assessment, monitoring, reporting. We will need these innovations for information sharing about other topics after modifying a few features and understanding their impact shortly.
There is so much still going on, but foresee;
· More, new environmental-related arguments, products and services post the environmental fallowing period
· Strengthened convictions about various claims and the possibility of what was impossible
· Reduction in redundant activism.
· Redefined globalization
As the Northern Hemisphere welcomes the astronomical spring, the first flowers will probably be viewed through windows. We continue to maintain social distance and do as advised. We pray for souls departed, patients undergoing treatment, all service people serving for the continuity of the earth.
Thank you for reading.
Will be glad to read your l thoughts below.