The coronavirus has portrayed the efficacy of the known medical and biological knowledge of virology as the organism or disease-enabled effect that spreads uncontrollably and with an ability to be resilient to cure or eradication just as seen in flus, HIV and virus-engendered diseases or epidemics. However, as much as the virus is a global issue and highly pandemic in nature as a result of its drastic spread to nooks and crannies of our global spatial habitation, the virus-intensified disease has also enabled particular caveats. More so, it has spurred a lot of researches and the academic society into search for the cure, and this is actively ongoing. A lot of insinuations, unrealistic and unfounded speculations have been engendered from different corners. The global epidemic has proved to be more potent than global recession. Global recession was not felt by certain societies and personalities, but this has proved to be widely felt. The epidemic turned pandemic has affected and almost grounded tourism across nations, denigrated global transportation, immigration, modes of local transportation, reduced business activities and ventures including economic activities.

Emanating from the near-market laboratory in Wuhan-China, the newly emerged coronavirus code-named Covid-19 was first discovered in 1960s. Apart from HIV that is a sexually transmitted viral-disease in the last millennial, the 2019-discovered coronavirus has proved more viral in this millennium cutting across borders drastically in few months than any other diseases in history. This unprecedented effect is what has engendered global lockdown. No epidemic in the last or penultimate decade which marks the end of the former millennium or in the new third decade of this nascent millennial has proved very rapid, resilient or abortive. However, the migration-intensified disease has its merits and demerits as it has come to plague our world. Although, there have been some pandemics in the past which were, small pox, bubonic plague, tuberculosis and black death even as far as 1930, flu pandemic of 1968, while there have also been widely-felt epidemics like Spanish flu in 1918, measles outbreak spanning 1981 to 1991, it was also stated that 14 epidemics have existed between the beginning of the second and start of this third decade (2010-2020) including Ebola from West Africa, but none of these outbreaks has been fast-tracked like the bat-source virus, CoVid-19.

The virus is said to have peculiar characteristics that makes it different from other viruses, epidemics or viral diseases existing or existed, as it is said not to survive in a temperature above 26’C, effective and dangerous when it affects the trachea system, acutely lethal when it passes to the lungs, can only travel 10 feet far, but can survive at least 12 hours on metals and fabrics, can be killed by stomach acid, hence water gaggling and drinking can prove to be a potent cure or prevention as they can wash it down the stomach, a thorough hand-washing and use of sanitizers or disinfectants can prevent its expansion, it does not survive in concentrated alcoholic solution or in a medium of high temperature, it attacks the lower and upper respiratory system or organs, causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), making it of two types, which are SARS-CoV and MERS (Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome) these peculiarities and the pandemic divergence have made the virus have attendant merits and demerits as it comes to invade the rotating cum revolving inhabited atmospheric-covered globe.

Merits of the viral pandemic

The pandemic situation has been enabling in certain perspectives. This highly contagious disease has it merits however, many schools have been subjected to strictly online lecture dispensation as universities and schools across the globe were forced to shut down and to embrace online learning, prompting many universities to approach a full online academic dispensing obligation to meet up with sessional and semester targets. Families are forced to stay together for the fear of contacting the disease or carrier, the ever-busy CEOs, Presidents and investors are forced to stay home, thereby spending time with their families and local jurisdictions. As much as there is no standing or potent elixir for the disease, everyone has to abide strictly and those going about are doing it at their own risks. Many organisations and philanthropists are dishing out grants to affected and vulnerable societies. More importantly, the quest for lasting solution and data collection has prompted collation within academics and the medical scene, while the move for the cure and data analysis has prompted researches within academics and healthcare practitioners. Financial houses and banks promise to continue to serve customers especially by facilitating online transactions without delay for the lockdown period, so people can be rest assured of financial safety and fast-track during the shutdown.

Some set of people are more affected than others, those working in a sole proprietorship organization with no adequate job security suffer from loss or cut in salary or wage. While those working with viable private organizations may have full or half salary depending on the capacity of the company or whether they were working remotely or actively in the lockdown. While those working for government will undoubtedly be getting full salary. Landlords and tenants are not sure of rent payment.

More so, a lot of sectors, organizations, NGOs, societies and personalities who were redundant have been engaged in this situation, while some employ new hands, quantum were functional prior to the outbreak and remain active to the new cause of the outbreak even as they maintain social distancing.

Globalisation has also enabled the disease. As globalisation is transforming the world into a global village, this has enhanced the virus-enabled pandemic accelerate to every facet of global spatial continents. That was why WHO on March 11TH 2020 declared the disease a pandemic from epidemic.

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Picture 1: A table showing countries with total cases above 40,000 and a pie chart showing five most affected countries globally as at April 23rd 2020, Source: Worldometers)

To a certain extent, the lockdown has been relaxed against restaurants, marts, eateries and supermarkets or departmental stores across nations to help people survive so they can get food and goods supplies even with physical representation but social distancing at points of sale. Hence, these favour not only local providers but the MNCs, and TNCs (Multinational and Transnational Corporations), as they are largely into this sector of business across countries of the globe.

Demerits of the divergence of the new coronavirus

The virus-intensive disease has affected different sectors, economies and businesses. Universities in third world or underdeveloped nations which do not have structures for online teaching are forced to lockdown for the session. Tourism and airlines are losing lumpsum income. Governments of susceptible economies have even placed sanctions for those planning on moving around. Banks are forced to give maintenance loans to individuals and households to sustain them.

As much as some governments are planning aids to the citizenry for the stay-home policy while sanctions for disobedient businesses or personalities, other governments cannot afford palliative programs. The widely spread illness is coming very transcendental as it is fast traveling and almost every nations of the globe are feeling the effect. Churches or mosques are never shut even in the midst of crisis, but the contagion has subjected large denominations and churches to no-open caveat. 

While people are contacting the disease daily as shown in the representation below, governments are spending more than budgeted on medical facilities and their health sectors as a cushion effect for the pandemic. Inadvertently, funds that should have been used for capital accumulation expenditures are appropriated to curb, prevent, cater and care for victims cum the potentials or vulnerable, even in the face of grants and fund raising. While in the international scene, World Health Organization (WHO) and similar organizations are engaged with possible solutions to the epidemic and disbursement of funds and medical personnel to suffering and diverse nations to curtail the plague.

Some foreign residents are facing repatriation, whereas some are stuck in places far away from their homes or comfort zones. Others are stranded away from their loved ones and had to be rescued by evacuation moves. Many functions and ceremonies have been cancelled or shifted indefinitely.

Although people are allowed to get goods and foods but maintaining social distance which has culminated into complaints of long queues at points of sale and longer wait times to get supplies. Also, carriers and victims are quarantined, but that as it may, is for prevention and people have to abide.

While people are contacting the virus daily as shown in the pictorial representations above and below, governments are spending are more than budgeted on medical facilities and the health sector as a cushion effect for the pandemic. While funds that should have been used for capital accumulation expenditures both in the private and public sectors are appropriated to curb, prevent, cater and care for victims cum the potential or vulnerable, even in the face of grants and fund-raising. While in the international scene, World Health Organization (WHO) is engaged with cure for the epidemic and disbursement of funds and personnel to diverse and affected nations to curtail the plague.

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 Picture 2: Showing total cases and total deaths across countries globally as at April 23rd 2020. (Source:  Worldometers)                                                                                                 

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Meanwhile, many financial institutions that promised to be efficient and coordinating have been falling short of expectations in their services to their numerous customers. Clients are complaining that cash flow, transfer and transaction ratification are slower as against their promises for Covid-19 stay-home period or as opposed to when they were fully operational.

Christians were made to celebrate Easter solemnly, same as many churches have lost a lot from no-service stipulated measures which does not give opportunity for income from tithe and offering collection or submission. In all these, some capable churches and denominations still cater for their members and needy, with provision of goods, foods and pecuniary palliatives. The lockdown extends to Muslims’ Ramadan. Same is reflective in the situation of some ventures or organizations who do not operate online business but abiding by shutdown directives as they are losing quantum of income.

The coronavirus, Covid-19 and its divergent consequences

The China-emerged diseases has had a strong and far reaching ripple effect from the source. Surprisingly is that it has travelled far and faster than any disease, epidemic or virus in history From far East-Asia to corners of Europe and far North America to even the crannies of Africa, Covid-19 has been far-reaching than any virus-intensified disease that has ever existed, particularly faster. This is actually possible because of further globalisation, China is the most populous country globally, and their population is 19.48% of the world’s total population, while their ratio to the world populace is said to be 1:5. One of the fastest growing economies with constant economic and GDP growth of over 6% for every year for more than 30 years now. Very industrialised and globalised nation. Hence, they have connection and proxy in every country. As globalisation has fast-tracked the spread of the disease, the bat-host pandemic has ground most global activities and national economies.

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Picture 3: Showing daily deaths and new cases relative to new recoveries in countries globally as at April 23rd 2020. (Source: Worldometer)

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Actually there has never been a case of this kind of global lockdown in history, such that even national presidents and more so, churches are affected, where most churches are not a flashpoint of terrorist attack or situated close to a war front. Financial institutions are operating at low frequency and with the promise of fully operational online to support internet banking in the midst of worldwide gridlock.

The Wuhan-emanated disease has caused an historic global lockdown which no other event, epidemic or disease has ever achieved. Even Nigeria with an acute case of Ebola virus in the last decade never witnessed national gridlock like the china-spread pandemic virus has caused in the nation. Deaths are rising daily in every spatial global location. The virus which has been discovered not to thrive in humid or tropical region or area, has affected temperate while tropical region domiciled mostly in Africa has had little casualties and recoded low deaths as compared to climate region in the Europe and America where large deaths and victims were affected. The United States of America is the worst hit with increase in daily deaths and new cases, precisely in New York known to be the hub of economic activities in the nation, however, recovery from the disease were recorded with intensive care, preventions were efficient in proactive regions, more so, in Nigeria, the daily news of covid-19 has replaced that of the daily update of terrorism from the residential Boko Haram insurgency.

However, the data is alarming as shown in the graphical cum pie-chart illustrations above for within and without china boundary which remains the source and the beginning of the new deadly viral disease. With deaths and casualties rapidly increasing in America, and Italy’s supposed jubilation of the outright eradication of the disease in April 5th 2020 which was not actualized, Spain the worst hit leading Italy, France, Germany, UK and Turkey in Europe as at April 23rd, 2020, China is laying claim to overcoming the disease and the critical situation in Wuhan, now dispensing drugs and medical teams to help fight Covid-19 in nations that are still battling or suffering from combating the global menace.

The date considered as available from pictures span January 22nd, 2020 which marks the acute beginning of the epidemic to pandemic situation is to April 23rd as the third month after the outbreak.

Aftermath of the pandemic viral disease

1. Global recession; if and when the global lockdown is over, the aftermath effect is loss in national income across countries and a global recession might be looming around the corner as the covid-19 lockdown intersects all countries economic activities with the need for social restriction.

2. Loss of income; there will be reduction in sales, profits and mark up resulting in loss of income in both private and public sectors as it is the status quo across countries even MNCs and TNCs (Multi and Trans-national Corporations) are affected as global ventures.

3. Migration/Immigration sentiment; There will continue to be migration cum immigration sentiments to the immediate future especially against countries where the pandemic was acute and nations ranking low in visa- and passport credibility.

4. International trade severance; some speculated ideas that social distancing and the need for prevention may hold till 2022 and possibly last 16 months respectively can affect trade especially contact trade or where physical representation is needed.

5. Human resources; the contracting and hiring of experts as a form of expatriates may witness dwindling frequency as experts or expatriates cum companies, contractors will not want to jeopardise the lives of their pool of experts to the immediate future.


As the world is on the lookout for possible outcome, cure and outright eradication of the pandemic virus, the spatial globe across societies will continue to maintain social distancing and take preventive measures, even with the speculation of an impending vaccine. While some are affected and others are not, we shall continue to keep safe and the world will monitor the future effect of the pandemic. However in all these, as some societies continue to effect lockdown to the nearest future, others end the stay-home, while some relaxes the shutdown with some caveats, but the academic continues to collate data and research on the topical virus, the medical homes and practitioners continue to dispense treatment and drugs to victims and carriers, the situation continues and is closely monitored, inadvertently, there is no imminent elixir, we must all keep safe, social-distance and stay safe.


World Health Organization retrieved from

Worldometers; countries, graphs and death rate: retrieved from



