Coronavirus Conspiracy?
Jon Quinnell
Psychic, hypnotherapist, life coach, healer and published author. A different type of human...being.
As many others might think it is seeming increasingly likely that the Coronavirus was started deliberately, maybe by organisations above any government. I say this because too many people are catching Covid-19 in hospital environments, the very places we go to get treated. And more, in early summer 2017 I suffered a second heart attack. I went to PRUH in Orpington and was taken into a small room. I had already been told I suffered a heart attack. The door was left open. In came an Asian doctor who shut the door. He gave me three tablets to swallow. I did so. After a few seconds I started struggling to breathe. I was so scared. I turned to the doctor and told him. He said a lot of people react in this way. His stare was cold and unaffected by my increasing panic. It was then I noticed he had no name badge. My breathing eventually calmed and the doctor left, leaving the door open after him. I immediately phoned my wife and said "They are trying to kill me." This was nearly three years ago. As a heart attack patient and being naturally in a poor state of health was I used as a guinea pig for an early version of Covid-19?