Coronavirus 19 - How to Re-Open, What to Expect & How to Handle it!
Coronavirus 19 - How to Re-Open, What to Expect & How to Handle it!
Society needs to re-open again. It should be done on a regional, city and local basis. Hot-spots already and those that might occur need to be kept closed longer.
1) How to Re-open - Places with high hand to human transmission like gyms need to be kept closed a little longer, maybe as little as 2-4 weeks. Places with high human congestion like theatre and sports performance areas need to be kept closed a little longer. Consider it God's wrath on how sports are conducted today! Lol. Anywhere where chairs are closely spaced for people to sit or places where people stand really close together are kept closed a little longer. High "Host" & "Susceptibility" institutions like nursing homes need to be kept un-visited for a little longer. This allows for the less likely transmissible areas to be opened and tested first.
2) a)Due to the long home isolation of most of the population, anyone at home who has not had cough, sore throat and/or bronchial symptoms should be considered to be not infected or to have already been infected with accompanying self-immunity. No they can't transmit the virus should be considered the rule.
b) KEY:Due to the long isolation of people, EXPECT many people, once they re-enter society functioning, to come down with other viral respiratory infections that are common such as the cold! Expect it due to the amount of time people have not been mixing. Symptoms of cough or sore throat and runny nose will be commonupon re-opening. The vast, vast majority of people with these symptoms will NOT have coronavirus 19.
c) Everyone without elevated vitamin D levels (rare) should take 20,000 units of Vitamin D a day for 3 days, Zinc chelate in a capsule taken 2 x day for 4 days, and Vitamin C 1000 mg 5 x day for 5 days. In addition, everyone should have another round of these IMMUNE Boosting essential health ingredients in case they actually come down with any symptoms. Boosting the immune system is the only way to prevent and cure the coronavirus as of today in my Educated experience. No drugs are curing coronavirus as of today, only one's own immune system. Everyone should have an N95 mask by now which ARE re-usable more than one day if used only for inspiratory prevention.
3) Anyone experiencing upper respiratory or bronchial symptoms should immediately stay at home. HERE is the KEY. All of these people could be immediately tested for covid 19 with a fast test to differentiate positive versus negative people. Ideally this is where government could be helpful as ideally all these people should be tested for Covid-19 at their own home with a fast and reliable FREE test. This will require many tests. Covid 19 positive people stay at home for 2 weeks or until 10 days pass without any symptoms, whichever is greater. Others who have a common cold have more flexibility. EVERYONE who gets bronchial symptoms when re-opening is going to think they have covid 19 when in fact, by far most will not. To educate beforehand and prepare guidelines beforehand to handle re-opening could be HIGHLY important for uncomplicated and smooth transition to back to normal so people don't panic, don't get covid-19, recover quicker and don't spread the contagion to re-infect the population. Mark Laursen MD - Holistic MD