Coronation chicken with cold rice salad
One of my favourite summer recipes has got to be Coronation Chicken served with cold rice salad. It’s not really a summer without it. Now, as the name suggests, this recipe was developed to celebrate the Queen's Coronation back in 1953. Two ladies are credited with its creation, renowned florist Constance Spry, and cordon bleu chef Rosemary Hume. These two were commissioned with catering the banquet to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II and this recipe is believed to be inspired by the ‘Jubilee Chicken’ created for George V’s silver jubilee in 1935.
I like to stay faithful to original recipes so here it is.
?? 2 roasting chickens (I used 2.75 lbs I use chicken thighs)
??water and a little wine
?? 1 carrot
?? 1 bouquet garni
?? salt and 3–4 peppercorns
For the sauce:
??2oz chopped onion
??2 tsp curry powder
??1 tsp tomato purée
??1 wine glass of red wine
??? wine glass of water
??1 bay leaf
??salt, sugar, pepper
?? 1–2 slices of lemon
??1 squeeze of lemon juice
??1–2 tbsp apricot purée (or apricot jam)
??? pint mayonnaise (I used 28 tbsp)
??2–3 tbsp whipped cream, plus a little more
??1 tbsp oil
Poach the chicken with carrot, bouquet, salt and peppercorns in water and a little wine, for about 40 minutes or until tender.
Allow to cool in the liquid and remove bones.
Cream of curry sauce: Fry the onion in oil for 3-4 minutes, then add curry powder. Fry for a further 1–2 minutes. Add tomato purée, wine, water, and bay leaf. Bring to boil, add lemon slices and juice, pinch of salt, pepper and sugar.
Simmer uncovered for 5–10 minutes. Strain and cool.
Add mayonnaise and apricot purée in stages. Season, and add more lemon juice if necessary. Mix in the whipped cream.
Coat the chicken in the sauce and mix in a little extra cream and seasoning. Serve with rice salad and a little extra sauce.
Rice salad: The salad comprised rice, cooked peas, diced raw cucumber, finely chopped mixed herbs and French dressing.
I believe the chicken and rice were served side by side and you’ll note not a sultana in sight! It’s a far nicer colour than the yellow stuff you find on the supermarket shelves. #lovemyjob
This recipe is from the 15th July Fill Your Fridge evening meals menu. If you would like any further information on our service please send us an email at [email protected] We’re always happy to talk about food.