corona virus disease 2019
Dark times, all nations are coming down because of this corona virus. The media, medical experts and health professionals were referring to the corona virus as a catch all term to discuss the outbreak of illness. The WHO (World Health Organization) has named the new disease as “COVID-19”, this name is formed by taking the first two letters from “corona virus disease” and last two numbers from “2019” (corona virus disease 2019). And as a recalled to our minds the terrible memory of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS2003, caused by another beta-corona virus) that occurred 17 years ago.
What is this corona virus or covid-19? It is a group of viruses which typically tend to affect humans and other mammal’s respiratory and their guts. The viruses are closely associated with infections like pneumonia, common cold and conditions like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
Covid-19 is an infectious disease, this virus began from china in December 2019 and many countries have been affected by this corona virus. Chinese researchers said this virus could have spread from an infected animal to humans. And Chinese doctor has investigated this and also it has been confirmed that this virus is caused by bats, bats are considered as possible source, because they have evolved to coexist with many viruses, and they were found to be the starting point of covid-19. Some doctors in china have been hiding a lot of information that they have found and some of the doctors has been got arrested for telling the truth. Further some says that this is done by Americans but the most number of deaths also have been reported from America, so this can’t be a work done by them.
As if today, April 19th 2020, there are 2,355,676 corona virus cases, with 162,032 deaths reported and 604,615 people has been recovered worldwide and around 210 countries are affecting by this corona virus. Most deaths have been reported from United States 39,201.
As we are hit minute by minute updates from around the world can be changed rapidly. This virus is obviously a massive challenge: medical and political. But it is worth remembering the world has never had better tools to fight it, and that if we are infected, we are unlikely to die from covid-19.
It is currently unclear where the virus has come from originally, some say the virus was understood to ‘have originated in a food market in wuhan, china and subsequently spread from animal to human. Covid-19 disease spreads, if someone contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze and also this spreads when a person touches a surface that has the virus on it and the if they touches their eyes, nose or mouth. People of all nations should help to prevent this virus spreading around the world, if everyone consider about the rulers and regulations we can protect the world from Covid-19. If someone is affected by any sickness its better if they do a quite checkup and stay away from other so that others won’t get infected to this virus. Also people can catch Covid-19 if they breathe droplets from a person who is affected from the virus, so it’s better not to contact with people who are sick and affected by corona virus.
As this corona virus affects the respiratory tract, common presenting symptoms include fever, tiredness and dry cough. This affects different people in different ways; some people may experience aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea.
People with fever, cough and difficulty in breathing should seek for medical attention. Mostly around 80% of people get recovered from the disease without any medical treatments. In severe cases, the covid-19 can cause pneumonia severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and death. Old people who infected by medical problems like high blood pressure and heart problems can easily get affected for corona virus. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. People may be getting sick with the virus for 1-14 days before developing symptoms.
The best thing you can do to avoid getting infected is to follow the same general guidelines that experts recommend during flu season, because the corona virus spreads in the same way. Wash your hands daily, avoid touching your face and maintain a distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
To prevent spreading the virus :
? Wash your hands regularly at least for 20 seconds with soap and water.
? Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue or flexed elbow when you cough or sneeze.
? Wear a mask when you are going out from home.
? Avoid close contact with anyone who is sick or has the virus symptoms; keep a 1 meter gap away, particularly if they are coughing and sneezing.
? Clean and disinfect high-touch surface daily.
? Stay home and avoid getting close to others in the household if you feel unwell.
? Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not cleaned.
? Avoid taking public transport if you’re sick.
? Avoid unnecessary, unprotected contact with animals and be sure to thoroughly wash your hands after contact.
Protect yourself and others around you by knowing the fact and taking appropriate precaution, follow the above advices. Give your best to support to everyone by staying home and follow the rules and regulations, every time when you stepping out wear a mask, wash your hands frequently and practices social distancing. This time will also pass and we’ll be able to smile together again.