Corona Lisa
You may have heard the strap-line from BBH, ‘when the world zigs, zag’.
And if the current sad state of affairs is anything to go by, with the stockpiling of bog rolls and pasta, anyone with a scintilla of common sense will be zagging all the way. Something we believe in, here at Wayout.
Now, I don’t for one moment want to be seen jumping on the band wagon using the current news headlines to promote Wayout Consulting. So, I’ll share a picture of Corona Lisa.
But you must admit, there have to be advantages using a remote team who work on business development, and that if you have regular catchups on the phone and virtual meetings, you won’t need to smother yourself in hand sanitisers every hour.
So don’t be a miserable old cow like Mona Lisa, where there is a threat, there are also opportunities. We need to react quickly, adapt, cope with change and be resilient.
As they say, ‘standing still is the fastest way of moving backwards in an ever-changing world’.
So, unless you are a sheep and want to follow the flock, give us a call, we might just be what you need to help you to stay one step ahead.