Corona Juries
I wonder why you would read these words. But here we are, you and I, and for my part, I hope you find them useful.
The new President begins work on 20 January.
To protect American and other NATO soldiers from cash bounties for their heads, the President can order the activity of Putin accounts and land holdings published each day for the beautiful Russian people.
To quicken future oversight, the President and Congress can enact a House Oversight Archive ... HOA ... for all federal communications. White House, Senate and Supreme Court communications at the House Speaker's fingertips. No need to bother the Supreme Court for subpoenas or powdered wigs.
To restore the wealth sucked suddenly from American families and businesses by corrupt federal senators, Cabineteers, DOJ elite and Supreme Court justices, the President can order their federal communications made public.
The new President and Congress can enable effective 'Bivens' class action lawsuits by victims against those who conspired to defraud the United States of America - by conspiring to violate people's rights against involuntary servitude and unequal protection of the laws under the 13th and the 14th Amendments.
State Attorneys General empowered to hold federal officers personally accountable for damages from conspiracy to interfere with state emergency medical contracts under state contract laws.
Massive punitive damages awards can return quickly the wealth stolen from American families and their businesses by holding senators, officials or judges to account for actions. Congress can remove immunity defenses for corrupt officials. FERS and CSRS.
Federal actors, secret donors, lobbyists exposed and personally responsible for their intentional harm to people and their businesses. Conspiring to defraud the American people in our hour of need.
Intent to conspire is - of course - a jury question.
Ben Franklin warned "a republic, if you can keep it,” to religious slavers preening atop?lower branches … presidency, senate and supreme court.
The United States can't breathe when Americans can't breathe.
Never again.