Corona Disaster Recovery Engineer's View
Okay Lets Begin.! Public is hungry, lock down is appears to be around the globe corona is still affecting people what we need to stop paying attention to corona and pay attention to people send the people who are affected to hospital open all lock down with compulsory the mask on people till the disaster has to be recovered why because corona still affecting people after complete lock down and vision the people were still surviving with out the mask
Government already does all the steps and what now they need is to make a empty portion for corona victims like in interior Sindh and near by rivers also make them recover and provide them food but don't misuse the funds which are mostly important.
Distribute the corona checking tool to the offices through daraz and shops let the people buy them,
Mostly all of us are threaten by media but I personally find it just a virus like bird flue.
stop threatening people if birds can recover why could not we.
Best Regards,
Usman Kaleem