corn weekly review

corn weekly review

we have a number on 12/10


ADM paid 6 7/8 for 500 jan 380 calls

robot piad 18 1/4 for 500 feb 370 straddles


Wedbush sold 1500 sept 380 puts from 17 3/8 down t0 17 1/4 covered vs 389 1/4

Rand paid 10 1/4 to 10 3/8 for 2000 dec 450 calls

RJO paid 10 1/2 for 500 July/dec even/-30 cso put spreads


Optiver bought 500 jan 385 calls vs selling the feb 385 calls collecting 3

RJO paid 2 3/8 for 1000 jan 390 calls covered vs 382 3/4

RJO paid 11 for 500 July/dec even/-30 cso put spreads

Rand sold 500 dec 450 calls @ 10 3/8

robot bought 1200 July 420 calls vs selling the 360 puts paying 4 1/2 to 4 7/8 


XFA paid 3 1/4 to 3 1/2 for 600 short feb 395 calls

FC Stone sold 500 jan 370p/385c strangles from 4 3/8 down to 4 1/4

DRAX sold 500 jan/week3 380 straddle swaps @ 1

Robot bought 1000 jan 370 puts and sold the 380 calls collecting 1 1/4

RJO paid 3 1/2 for 500 jan 380 calls


EDF Man paid 1 1/2 for 500 march/feb 400 call spreads

Wells Fargo bought 500 march 400/420 call spreads vs selling the 355 puts paying 7/8

Marex sold 500 jan 390 calls @ 1 3/8 covered vs 378

FC Stone paid 4 for 500 jan 380 calls

robot bought 1200 may 360 puts and sold the 410 calls paying 2 7/8 covered vs 385

robot sold 1000 jan 375 puts @ 4

weekly changes


366 1/4 down 5

oi 1558 down 9609


vol 13 1/4% down 1/4%

call oi 78599 up 11476

put oi 58893 up 8867


vol 14 1/4% down 1/4%

call oi 29246

put oi 23476 up 2022


376 3/4 down 4 1/2

oi 789237 up 613

vol 14 1/4% down 1/4%

call oi 229924 up 5986

put oi 131743 up 5827


382 1/2 down 3 1/4

oi 196784 up 5257

vol 15 3/4% unchanged

call oi 34290 up 4099

put oi 24512 up 2494


386 3/4 down 3 1/2

oi 237728 up 8534

oi 16 1/2% unchanged

call oi 53827 up 4135

put oi 35537 35537 up 1647


386 3/4 down 1 1/4

oi 66435 up 2152

vol 17 1/2% unchanged

call oi 21002 up 768

put oi 27084 up 322


390 1/4 down 3/4

oi 155585 up 2664

vol 16 3/4% unchanged

call oi 58436 up 2508 

put oi 40036 up 813


400 1/4 down 3/4

oi 8086 up 528

vol 15% down 1/4%

call oi 2148 up 12

put oi 487 unchanged


408 1/4 down 1

oi 3377 up 82

call oi 379 unchanged

put oi 228 unchanged

dec21 405 1/2 down 1/4

oi 6829 up 128

call oi 769 up 25

put oi 694 up 1

commitment of traders

CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report - AG (Combined)

CFTC Commitments of Traders Long Report - AG (Combined)

This is the viewable version of the most recent release of the AG disaggregated long form combined commitments r...

crop progress

stories of interest 

How Soybeans Became Ubiquitous

How Soybeans Became Ubiquitous

Justin Fox

A mix of valuable characteristics and luck enabled the legume’s U.S. rise. Has the luck run out?

Key Mexican Officials to Meet Sunday Afternoon on USMCA Proposal

Key Mexican Officials to Meet Sunday Afternoon on USMCA Proposal

Erik Wasson,Eric Martin,Jennifer Jacobs

Members of Mexico’s Senate will meet key negotiators Sunday afternoon to deliberate on the latest version of the...

China’s Unexpected Export Drop Shows Why It Wants a Trade Deal

China’s Unexpected Export Drop Shows Why It Wants a Trade Deal

China exports fall for fourth consecutive month as Beijing demands tariff rollback as part of trade deal

China exports fall for fourth consecutive month as Beijing demands tarif...

China's exports in November shrank for the fourth consecutive month, but imports rose by a small margin.

Dow Jones Futures: Stock Market Rally Awaits Trump's China Trade War Decision | Investor's Business Daily

Dow Jones Futures: Stock Market Rally Awaits Trump's China Trade War Dec...

Investor's Business Daily

Dow Jones futures: The stock market rally, as well as Apple, AMD and Alibaba, await President Donald Trump's Chi...

Is A Global Crash Just Around The Corner? Central Banks Are Cutting At The Fastest Rate Since The Financial Crisis

Is A Global Crash Just Around The Corner? Central Banks Are Cutting At T...

If everything is great then why are central banks acting as if a global financial crisis is just around the corner?


Mexico, U.S. draw closer to finalizing USMCA: source

Reuters Editorial

U.S. and Mexican negotiators are "very close" to finalizing the United...

Central Bank Liquidity Firehose Turns Wall Street Most Pessimistic In 15 Years

Central Bank Liquidity Firehose Turns Wall Street Most Pessimistic In 15...

19.6%, 25.7%, 20.5%, 27.3%, 15.5%, 10.8%, 13%, 16%, 13.3%, 18.7%, and... 0.00%

Federal Reserve: Observations on the Ag Economy- November 2019 ? Farm Policy News

Federal Reserve: Observations on the Ag Economy- November 2019 ? Farm Po...

Last week, the Federal Reserve Board released its November 2019 Beige Book update, a summary of commentary on cu...

Brazil agriculture sees 3% growth in 2020 led by meat exports

Brazil agriculture sees 3% growth in 2020 led by meat exports

Reuters Editorial

Brazilian agricultural production will grow 3% in 2020, three times faster than ...

Deadly Pig Virus Reaches Poland’s Top Pork Area

Deadly Pig Virus Reaches Poland’s Top Pork Area

Agnieszka de Sousa

The deadly hog virus that has roiled the global meat industry reached a key pork region in Poland, increasing th...

Trump’s $28 Billion Trade War Bailout Is Overpaying Farmers

Trump’s $28 Billion Trade War Bailout Is Overpaying Farmers

Mike Dorning

President Donald Trump’s $28 billion farm bailout may be paying many growers more than the trade war with China ...

Democrats See USMCA Deal Near, Urge Mexico to Accept Compromise

Democrats See USMCA Deal Near, Urge Mexico to Accept Compromise

Erik Wasson,Eric Martin,Josh Wingrove

House Democrats said Wednesday that a deal on the stalled U.S.-Mexico-Canada free-trade agreement is within reac...

World food prices surge in November, lifted by meat, vegetable oils: U.N. FAO

World food prices surge in November, lifted by meat, vegetable oils: U.N...

Reuters Editorial

World food prices rose strongly in November, lifted by big jumps in prices of me...

Stock, Trade Uncertainty Impact Corn Optimism in 2020

Stock, Trade Uncertainty Impact Corn Optimism in 2020

Stock, Trade Uncertainty Impact Corn Optimism in 2020 by Sonja Begemann | Read more Regional News about Agricult...

Larry Kudlow Honing Latest Plan to Buttress Biofuel Mandates

Larry Kudlow Honing Latest Plan to Buttress Biofuel Mandates

Jennifer Jacobs,Jennifer A Dlouhy,Mario Parker

White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow is working to hone the Trump administration’s plan for bolstering biof...

Mystery S&P Put Buyer Makes $31 Million Profit In 24 Hours, Covers Half Of Position

Mystery S&P Put Buyer Makes $31 Million Profit In 24 Hours, Covers Half ...

Yesterday's he has covered half his original position, making a $30.9 million profit on the 8,221 puts sold, as ...

Investors With $3 Trillion Want Brazil to Uphold Soy Deforestation Pact

Investors With $3 Trillion Want Brazil to Uphold Soy Deforestation Pact

Agnieszka de Sousa,Tatiana Freitas

Investors managing about $3.2 trillion called on Brazil to stick to a pact that aims to prevent soybean-related ...


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