Cork massage ball
China Happy Fitness
Happy Life ,Happy Fitness ! Focus on resistance bands ,yoga mats,chin up bar ,jump ropes as well as massage products et
Cork massage balls means massage balls made of cork materials .
There are many different sizes and shapes of cork balls in chinese market such as 5cm cork balls ,6.5cm cork balls ,8cm cork balls and 10cm cork massage balls.
Except for single cork massage balls ,cork balls also have peanut shape ,we call it peanut cork balls.
Cork massage balls size
Below is regular single cork balls sizes such as 2 inch cork balls ,3 inch cork balls as well as 4 inch cork balls and 4.5 inch cork balls.
As for peanut cork balls normally is around 7cm to 8cm diameter x 16cm long.
Cork massage ball logo
Cork massage balls logo printing most chinese cork balls manufacturers use engraved logo for cork balls bulk order.
Cork balls ,cork foam rollers as well as cork yoga mats cork yoga block fit for laser engraved logo prinitng.
Engraved cork balls logo normally deep grey or black color ,since under high temprature ,engraved logo on cork materials will become dark or black color.
Laser printed cork balls wholesale order logo can last very longer ,not easy fade off during future daily use.
Cork massage ball package
Normally cork balls will be simple polybag package for wholesale cork balls order,sometimes customers will ask cork balls manufacturers to do bag package such as white bag packaged cork ball or color box packaged cork balls in bulk order.
Generally speaking ,if formal cork balls order use bag package ,customers nornally ask us to package 2 pcs or 3 pcs cork massage balls as a set.
Cork massage ball set
Most cork balls manufacturers do not only produce cork massage balls ,they also produce cork yoga mat ,cork foam rollers as well as cork yoga blocks etc.
In order to add value ,most of our customers who sell in Amazon will ask us to package cork balls in different cork massage ball set.
For example one pc single cork balls +peanut cork balls ,one pc cork foam roller + cork balls or different sizes cork massage balls into bag as a set for cork massage balls retailing.
Cork massage ball price
Chinese cork massage balls price is from $0.8 to $3/pc based on different cork ball size and package requirement.
Normally most customer prefer 6.5cm cork balls wholesale order or 8cm cork balls in bulk for their business.
Most cork massage balls in US Amazon or European Amazon mostly is $10 to $30 based on different cork balls set.
So if you want to make your logo printed cork balls set for your own business ,we recommend you find correct cork balls factory to produce for you.
Cork massage balls factory
There are a lot of cork massage balls factory for you to choose for your business.
If you just need some pcs cork balls such as 5pcs or 20pcs ,we suggest you order small amount cork massage balls from your local store such as Amazon or Ebay since shipping is fast and cheap.
But if you need big order cork balls such as 200pcs to 2000pcs cork balls bulk order.
Especially need customized cork balls ,maybe find a real cork balls manufacturers are a good choice since below reason:
1 : Direct factory cork ball price
2 : Cork ball manufacturer can print your logo for bulk cork massage balls order.
3 : Wide ranges other cork products for your future consider.
You can find cork balls supplies from google or some platform such as Made in China or Alibaba and Global source etc and compare to see which cork massage ball supplier is best service and reasonable wholesale cork massage balls price fit for you.
How to get customized cork balls for your business ?
If you have a therapy store or you want to retail cork massage balls and also want print your own logo on cork balls for bulk order ,how to make it happen ?
Step 1 : You need find a massage balls manufacturers.
You can talk with many cork balls factories and choose the best cork ball factory you like to proceed.
Step 2 : Test cork massage ball sample
Since you will need big quantity cork balls wholesale order ,so cork massage ball sample is a must to evaluate whether the cork massage ball is high quality.
Step 3 : Confirm total cork ball bulk order amount
Before place big cork massage balls order ,be sure to check with cork balls supplies to see what is the total cork balls amount ,do not forget to ask whether total cork balls price include shipping cost ,tax cost and your local duty etc hiding fee.
Step 4 : Check customized cork massage ball pree-sample
Ask cork balls manufacturers to print one pc personalized cork balls with your logo and then send images for your side to check and approval.
This step is very important to guarangee whole cork balls big order logo no mistake.
Cork ball logo is engraved logo ,if logo is wrong ,it will be very hard to re-work on it or correct the cork balls logo.
Step 5 : Ask cork balls supplier to update bulk order tracking number to track
Remeber to ask cork massage balls factory to send finished bulk cork balls order images or video for our approval then allow shipping and get wholesale cork balls tracking number.
Good suggestions
Welcome to contact us for more details on logo printed cork balls ,if you have any good suggestions ,welcome to leave a comments.