Core Values, Valued
Naseha Sameen
Workforce Strategist, Data Scientist, Product Owner; leading Optimization & Digital Transformation at Amazon
Sometimes a thought refuses to go till something is done about it. This time it was one question that kept me awake for nights.
How do we drive people towards a specific goal? How do we be sure that it is not superficial or a timely fad ; the answer may be is in a simple word – Values .
How does one imbibe new ideals in someone’s value system?
This thought created a ripple effect. A lot of memories got triggered but one memory refused to die it’s own death. The memory is of a statement that goes in a loop.
“Once in Blue Box; always in Blue Box”. That was the first sentence I heard on day 1 of Induction in American Express when the trainer entered the room. The face is blurry, the voice still rings clear. That was about one and half decades ago. Still in touch with most people in same batch, I can see the truth of this statement. She said, “you may leave Amex one day, but once you are in blue box, the blue box values stays with you all your life. You cannot get blue box value out of you. It’s for life.”
If I were to convert it to simpler sentence removing the brand, what would it be?
It means building and instilling the values in all individuals in the organization and imbibing them so strongly in an individual that they stay with him/her as their Core Value for life.
This is my throwback from personal experiences of what makes a success story in instilling values.
- Give them a Purpose
Day in and day out while doing our daily job especially for non-customer facing verticals, it’s easy lose the sight of the purpose. Keep the purpose razor sharp. It keeps people stay focused on how they matter and how instrumental are they in an organizational growth. Tie back the result of their work directly to the organization’s growth. Show them how the job they think is routine has and is changing somebody’s life.
According to futurist and author Jacob Morgan, that responsibility is shared
by both parties.
“The greatest sense of purpose comes when both the organization is able to
connect what the employee does to the impact they are having and when the
employee shows up with an open mind, ready to contribute and give
it their all. This is not a one-sided solution.”
Credit: Article for Inc and Big Think Edge
- Keep it Simple and Very Relate-able
Everybody likes KISS (Keep it Simple and Stupid). KISS-ing Values gets it to a level where it is easy to remember. Relate it to the basic human requirement to feel good. If values mirrors how a person would like to be treated, the path is set for a win. Human nature often rebels against something it is uncomfortable with or cannot trust. If a person can identify or relate to something, the connection is instantly forged, and keeping the values simple makes it easy to incorporate them in life.
- Re-enforcement Positively
A lot of value system is oft cascaded down from top leadership. These are picked up by each layer till it reaches all. Be it a business meeting or casual conversation, one or two values are explicitly or implicitly touched upon. That keeps it fresh in mind, not in memory. Leaders are the torch bearers for positive re-enforcement of the values. Leaders, or person of Influence at each level need to practice positive re-enforcement to make it a part of a person’s life.
It's Science, Baby! Proving the Power of Positive Reinforcement at Work
- Incorporate the value – Walk the Talk
Preaching without conviction will lead to slip off of the mask someday sooner or later. Values should be convincing enough for people to adopt, implement and live. Show the values at work; not just at the work place.
“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Theodore Roosevelt
The actions should reflect the values. Nothing can endorse a concept better than the practical implementation. When each person acts like a brand ambassador for that organization; a live example of the values implemented, bring in the acceptability, and readiness.
A set of Core Values in an organisation instills a sense of fulfillment and binds the people to the greater process of organizational. A successful and balanced synergy of these should lead to imbibing and inculcating values system in an organization. It has to be inclusive, inspirational, and follow-able.
Naseha Sameen -