The core foundations of a delightful web experience are…
Build Progressive Web App/First web experiences that delight and push value to your target users. Digital well being of your target users matters a lot.
Let you target users find that web resource they look for in the shortest time as possible. It’s not about having a user spend a lot of time on your site. That’s not the Web we want.
User experiences on the web should feel like an integrated part of the user’s device; instead of having to reach through a browser window, the experience should feel true to how the user interacts with the device.
Users don’t expect the web to work without a network connect, and often don’t even bother to try when it’s a slow or intermittent connection. We need to change that perception. The web must be reliable.
Using features like Web Push, it’s always up to date, and Notifications keeps users informed. It uses the right capabilities, at the right time, in a beautiful way.
Avoid using push notifications to push away your users. Use push notifications in the right manner. Push value to your users
One best way to build such amazing Progressive Web App/First experiences is building a progressive web app. Get started here. Find more Github resources by PWA Fire Developers on this Github Resource.