Core Concepts of the Matrix of Healing
Rachael Angelese, CMT, NCBTMB CE Provider
Advanced Massage Teaching - The Matrix of Healing: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Connective Tissue - Embodiment - Awareness and Intuition - Healing
From my personally developed course work over the past 10 years, and my upcoming book, The Matrix of Healing, this series of classes is aimed at enhancing awareness, intuition, and heart-centered embodiment for massage practitioners and healers.
The practical tools, and insight offered in these classes will grow your ability to listen to the body and to your own inner guidance, allowing you to meet the client and the circumstances of your own life, in full support, with clarity, command, and compassion.
This course is powerful on its own, or it can be taken as an introduction to The Matrix of Healing Course (to be followed by the hands-on work once we are able to return to our massage practices.)
Click here for more information
5 classes over 2&1/2 weeks in this series over Zoom:
- Mind-Body Connection - Tuesday, Sept 8 6:30pm - 9:30pm
- Empathy and Intuition - Sunday, Sept 13 10am - 1pm
- The Nature of Our Nervous System. - Tuesday, Sept 15 6:30pm - 9:30pm
- Heart, Core Power, and Breath. - Sunday, Sept 20 10am - 1pm
- Embodiment and Intuition - Tuesday, Sept 22 6:30pm - 9:30pm