#CoralGablesMagazine Names #DrJegasothy A #TopDoctor2019 ??????
My heartfelt thanks to #CoralGablesMagazine for naming me a #TopDoctor2019 among my distinguished colleagues. Being a long-term positive force in our community is a constant personal goal. #ThinkGloballyActLocally
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Side Feature
The 2019 Guide to Top Doctors
In (and Near) Coral Gables
September 2019
Doctors are a little like policemen. Most of the time you don’t need them, but when you do, you really do. Alternative and preventative medicine has come a long way in recent years, but Western Medicine is still the go-to when the chips are down. So, how do you find a good doctor? Many people rely on word of mouth, and the recommendations of friends and family. Others research individual doctors, using the internet to check licenses, social media ratings and complaints.
We asked Castle Connolly, one of the most recognized medical research firms in the country, to vet the doctors in and around Coral Gables. Using a comprehensive battery of criteria that include peer reviews, medical education, training, hospital appointments, professional achievements, and absence of malpractice/disciplinary hearings, Castle-Connolly checked for top docs in the Gables, South Miami, Pinecrest, Coconut Grove, Kendall and UM-Jackson, and came up with 266 doctors that met their criterion of “Top Doctor.” All of them are MDs, and all are affiliated with nearby area hospitals that include Doctors, Baptist, Jackson Memorial, Mercy, University of Miami, South Miami and Coral Gables hospitals.
If you don’t see your doctor on this list, don’t panic. That doesn’t mean he (or she) is a bad MD. Not every doctor subscribes to Castle-Connolly, which is voluntary, so many doctors are absent for lack of data.
But if you are looking for a good doctor, this guide is a place to start. And who knew there were so many specialties?
About the List:
Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. is a healthcare research and information company founded in 1992 by a former medical college board chairman and president to help guide consumers to America’s top doctors and top hospitals. Castle Connolly’s established nomination survey, research, screening and selection process, under the direction of an MD, involves many hundreds of thousands of physicians as well as academic medical centers, specialty hospitals and regional and community hospitals all across the nation. Castle Connolly’s physician-led team of researchers follows a rigorous screening process to select top doctors on both the national and regional levels. Its online nominations process – located at www.castleconnolly.com/nominations – is open to all licensed physicians in America who are able to nominate physicians in any medical specialty and in any part of the country, as well as indicate whether the nominated physician is, in their opinion, among the best in their region in their medical specialty or among the best in the nation in their medical specialty. Careful screening of doctors’ educational and professional experience is essential before final selection is made among those physicians most highly regarded by their peers. The result – we identify the top doctors in America and provide you, the consumer, with detailed information about their education, train- ing and special expertise in our paperback guides, national and regional magazine “Top Doctors” features and online directories.
Doctors do not and cannot pay to be selected and profiled as Castle Connolly Top Doctors.
Physicians selected for inclusion in this magazine’s “Top Doctors” feature may also appear as online at www.castleconnolly.com, or in in conjunction with other Castle Connolly Top Doctors databases online and/or in print.