Copywriting resolutions
A Thousand Monkeys
Persuasive Copywriting Specialists. We'll make your words work harder.
Forget gym memberships or fad diets. Here are some resolutions you can stick to. And the best bit? Put these copywriting techniques to use and you’ll see results right away.
1. Vary your sentence length more
If we could only choose one tip to improve the quality of your writing, this would be a strong contender. The best copy has a mixture of short, medium and long sentences. Some are just a few words. One. Maybe two. Some are a bit longer, with a bit more detail. And some build up over 10, 15 or even 20 words until coming to a satisfying close.
2. Use the rule of three
Things that come in threes are somehow magically more persuasive. So try to use the rule of three more often in your writing. Four bullet points in your report? Cut them down to three. Seven examples in your case study? Three will be more memorable. Dozens of features for your product? Put them into three categories and make it easier to understand.
3. Be a bit less formal
Whether they’re student interns or high-level executives, most people are put off by an overly formal style of communication. There are very few occasions where very formal writing is appropriate. Confident writers know that a chatty and informal tone works for most contexts, from customer service emails to annual reports. So let yourself relax a bit – use more contractions, ask questions directed at your reader, loosen up your language.
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