Copying Prod DB => Staging on Heroku
heroku pg:backups capture --app my-production-app heroku pg:backups:url --app my-production-app heroku pg:backups:restore '' --app my-staging-app
Even on personal projects, it's great to have a staging environment to play with (and break) without interfering with your production server.
One problem, however, is having two different data sets. It's important that staging is a replica of production, not only in code but in data too.
Here's how to copy your latest db data from production to staging on Heroku:
heroku pg:backups capture --app my-production-app
It will show output like this:
Starting backup of postgresql-angular-41117... done Use Ctrl-C at any time to stop monitoring progress; the backup will continue running. Use heroku pg:backups:info to check progress. Stop a running backup with heroku pg:backups:cancel.
Backing up DATABASE to b002... done
Now you want to get a public url for this backup:
heroku pg:backups:url --app my-production-app
Which will give you a long url like:
And now you can restore that to your other Heroku server:
heroku pg:backups:restore '' --app my-staging-app
And that's it! Once you know the right commands (and keep them somewhere handy, perhaps in a LinkedIn article or something), you can copy your db over within a couple minutes.
Happy coding!