Who owns the Planet?

Who owns the Planet?

Pope Francis suggests one basic misconception causing problems in our society and the world is that we still believe we were given absolute power by forgetting who owns the Planet. It is a misinterpretation of abundance, God gave dominion over all but that did not mean we can ravage it! Who in their right mind would grow a garden and leave it in the hands of someone who knew nothing at all about gardens? The garden has a certain energetic and orderly prescription that it follows to survive. The gardener's job is to learn this and help the garden flourish.

Does nature have consciousness?

We utilize our knowledge as power over nature. We justify an ethic of domination and possession- one that consumes and devastates the natural balance. We approach the natural order as if it were something we can use up, manipulate, or exhaust, thinking it will always be at our disposal. As a result, we have no relationship with nature only an arrogance thinking we own it and can annihilate it with no responsibility.


Do you think it does not rain in many places around the globe because we have stopped performing rituals that were seated in thanksgiving and respect for the source of the rain? Do you think the dry land has become barren and the species go extinct because we do not notice their value? The questions are ridiculous, it is global warming and human ignorance that diminishes the environment... or is there another aspect to reflect on???Imagine, lots of things die for lack of love.

Why do we not understand and appreciate the natural world?


For thousands of years, humans couldn't exhaust natural resources, the small population has had a small effect on the natural order until recently. Past civilizations lived more harmoniously with nature, and included in their daily life were rituals of thanks and praise. Now our society is out of tune with nature's eternal song and the planet's inherent harmony is getting stripped away by our greed and inconsiderate behavior. Nature offers itself abundantly and we only give back grudgingly. These days nations around the globe extract all they can, manipulate the evidence of our misuse, and hide the horror we leave in our wake. We are investors who lie and ignore consequences, all the while seeking more and more as if someone else will replenish the tremendous loss.

We are stressing nature's balance instead of being good stewards.


We gain tremendous insight realizing nature does not need us for anything it lacks, the natural world has the potential to reveal wisdom and teach us in unexpected ways. If we could shift the paradigm and see planetary resources as an investment to be nurtured and protected, unceasing abundance would arise for everyone. There is plenty to go around. The problem is we waste so much! Humanity is one sided and blind to the mechanics of nature and its capacity for rejuvenation without our help. Nature provides limitless sources of energy through the sun, wind, and earth's gravity. We have not learned to be responsible or share the attitude of give and take between the natural order and man's desire to own, control, and dominate.


The financial world, economists, science, and technology experts are guilty of being ignorant or blind to the damage they cause from their proposals and inventions. They have not been held accountable and suffer no consequences for the way have influenced the population.

We see nature as hostile to our lifestyle; too cold, too windy, too green, or too quiet. We live with the illusion we love the infinite and unlimited growth yet we do everything to control and avoid it.

Find some small way to Love the Planet a little every day,

Even if all you can do is stand outside in the rain and say thank you.

MY new prayer book Buy now

Ancient prayer traditions and contemplation have been passed from generation to generation and are still alive today. Recitations of love and reflection, alone or in a group are powerful, they nurture the soul, fuel the heart, and uplift the spirit. We focus a great deal on human needs, the sick, isolated, aged, imprisoned, and in peril.

It may be prudent to add our devotion and respect for God’s plan revealed on Earth. Our contemporary society does not allow us time to pause long enough to appreciate our delicate, at times imperceptible relationship to the natural order that surrounds us. A powerful sense of grace is revealed in this book as we gather for the sacramental petition, communal prayer, and a shift in our attitude toward Mother Earth. The Earth is listening, she sees our human dilemma, and she is calling us to pay attention. Mary Jane Miller has given words for us to cry out and reflect, in unison with gratitude, repentance, compassion, and guidance for the Earth's preservation.


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