When to worry about joint pains?

When to worry about joint pains?

Most of us get joint pains. When should one be concerned and when to identify a potential underlying disease?

  • Waking stiffness lasting >4 hours consistently
  • Swollen joint(s) with warmth (heat)
  • Joint instability (locking, collapsing, clicking, grinding)
  • Other associated symptoms (i.e., fever, fatigue)

Strains and sprains are common, particularly if you play sports or do extraneous work (i.e., yard work). These are typically short-lived and are resolved with rest. If the symptoms are localized and recur consistently, check your workstation posture.


And lifting technique.


Osteoarthritis (OA) through aging and overuse are common, and typically minor therapies like RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) can resolve it. At times, we use NSAIDs (Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) like ibuprofen or naproxen to treat pain and inflammation. Acetaminophen helps with pain but is not an anti-inflammatory.

OA should be evaluated when it's

  • Consistently daily and limits your function
  • Localized joint showing evidence of damage, as noted above

Working professionals commonly do repetitive tasks like typing, so it wouldn't hurt to make your typing more efficient to reduce errors. A 10-minute daily practice at https://www.keybr.com/ can shorten your daily workflow.

Do you find these tips helpful? Follow this page to get more preventive health insights.



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