Sx TAG Software Release V02.02
Sx TAG Software Release V02.02

Sx TAG Software Release V02.02

A AMPEREL informa que saiu uma nova vers?o do software para os analisadores portáteis Phabrix Sx TAG.

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V02.02 includes important system improvements

The compact, truly-portable Sx TAG with its SFP, SDI and analog I/O offers incredible versatility in a handheld device. It is ideal for IP, 3G/HD/SD-SDI, optical SDI, HDMI and Analog test & measurement as well as AES eye analysis, for applications demanding true mobility and ease of use.

V02.02 Introduces the following system improvements to the Sx TAG

  • Improved battery power management and monitoring.?
  • Reduced Free Run output Jitter experienced on certain devices.?
  • REF Out is now phase locked to System Reference.

This release is supported on the following Sx Units: Sx TAG


How to update your Sx Handheld Unit via LAN:?

Watch the Video Guide here, alternatively follow the instructions below -

1. To download the latest software version, make sure that the network settings are correct and that the Sx instrument is connected to the internet via the Ethernet connection. Pressing the Download button will cause the current release of software to be downloaded from the Phabrix Web Site. This will take a short time dependent on the connection to the Internet.?

2. Once the download has completed, the software will be checked for errors before being stored on the Sx instrument for future installation. If the latest software is already present on the Sx instrument, no software will be downloaded and a message will be shown.?

Note that the unit should be connected to the AC adaptor so that the battery state does not affect the installation process. Note that multiple releases of software may be stored on the Sx instrument so a previous release can be re-installed if required.?

3. To install the downloaded software on the Sx instrument, select the release using the field with releases listed. The largest number is the latest release. Select the ‘Install’ button and a confirmation dialogue will be shown. Press “Yes” and the installation will start. This process takes several minutes to decompress the software, extract the files and then reprogram the hardware. If an error is given during the installation, retry the installation and or download. Do NOT turn the Sx instrument off until an installation has completed correctly.?

4. Once the installation has competed, if “Reboot after Install” is checked the Sx instrument will re-start with the new software installed. If not checked then the instrument should be turned off and on again manually.?

Note that as part of the installation procedure, all memories are archived to a backup file and then deleted. They can be restored from the System-Memories page using the Restore button and selecting the ‘_Before_Upgrade’ archive.


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